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Just stop, no matter how hard u try, there are people with retard level over 9000, that u can't help.


He passed 9000 at the age of 5.

If i wont try as hard the admins will just dismiss it, just because Pujo is a pathetic lifeless loser that plays 12 hours a day on the server as a dk, and needs the help of bugs to get rating, and they think he knows how dks should be.

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As Lordneroxz said, the only person you have to convince are the devs. Anyone else doesn't really matter...


That being said, instead of flooding this thread and calling eachother stupid, it'd be better if you try to find a video to prove your opinion. It's really hard to find a good video because there aren't many popular low rated gameplay where people just stand in the open during gargoyle burst - everyone always los'd it and it cancelled cast because of it. Then there are other cases where people stand in the open and don't try to either outrun it nor los it which is also useless... Fact of the matter is, gargoyle would rarely ever cast while moving (on retail) because they don't fangirl their target like they do here.


I played retail in mop but I never actually paid attention to them casting while moving, and to be honest, I don't think it makes much of a difference... They have massive casting range anyway...


Check this vid out -


also, idk wtf the gargoyle is doing here lol

Edited by Deielrion
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As Lordneroxz said, the only person you have to convince are the devs. Anyone else doesn't really matter...


That being said, instead of flooding this thread and calling eachother stupid, it'd be better if you try to find a video to prove your opinion. It's really hard to find a good video because there aren't many popular low rated gameplay where people just stand in the open during gargoyle burst - everyone always los'd it and it cancelled cast because of it. Then there are other cases where people stand in the open and don't try to either outrun it nor los it which is also useless... Fact of the matter is, gargoyle would rarely ever cast while moving (on retail) because they don't fangirl their target like they do here.


I played retail in mop but I never actually paid attention to them casting while moving, and to be honest, I don't think it makes much of a difference... They have massive casting range anyway...


Check this vid out -


also, idk wtf the gargoyle is doing here lol


Gosh.... We posted so many videos to proov that pujo is wrong and this bug exists, 10 or 15 of them.

When gargoyle sees a target-> it stands in 1 plays and casts> what is happening on pandawow It is on melee range and following player and casting which makes him UNKITABLE.

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Yes, I already know what it's doing here...


What I'm trying to say is that most of the videos I've seen are either cutting the gargoyle off at the time it might be moving while casting, or show the gargoyle moving while casting which has been explained to be ms (which might be true because retail has always had a slight internal ms), but your videos don't matter if they don't convince the devs.


To be frank, I couldn't care less whether they do either because I know it won't make that much of a difference. I've mentioned it before and it seems you've also got the jist, but the main problem is it staying in melee range all the time and path finding.

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ms diference.. so sad argument lol


Watch the vod or shut up. Simple. Twat.


but the main problem is it staying in melee range all the time and path finding.

Yea agreed.

Idk why u keep trying to fake post

I start to believe that you are a good troll.

IF a admin had to go over all those usless pujo spam i feel sorry for him.


Let me help you plebs out. This is what he is talking about; https://www.twitch.tv/adlairo/v/84869358 58minutes 39seconds


Now look at me. I got gateway off, NOW LOOK how i turned on my WPE and moved 80% of my fear cast!

Edited by Autschbatsch
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Idk why u keep trying to fake post, btw this post its a copy of the last one declined.


That copy was declined cause the admin that declined it had clear sight issues. And i wasn't present to prove you wrong then.

Now i am here and i already proved you wrong 50 times so sit quietly while we make DKs less retarded and less faceroll for you to play, meaning: you wont pass 2k as a dk by facerolling.

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That copy was declined cause the admin that declined it had clear sight issues. And i wasn't present to prove you wrong then.

Now i am here and i already proved you wrong 50 times so sit quietly while we make DKs less retarded and less faceroll for you to play, meaning: you wont pass 2k as a dk by facerolling.


In all the videos that people linked here, gargole moved while casting when his target was going away, this post is wrong, just deal with it.

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In all the videos that people linked here, gargole moved while casting when his target was going away, this post is wrong, just deal with it.


You're just a private server hero and i played retail since BC so leave it to me for bug fixes and correcting wrongs (mostly yours), i'll leave it to you to sit in your room in the dark for 12 hours doing bgs.

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You're just a private server hero and i played retail since BC so leave it to me for bug fixes and correcting wrongs (mostly yours), i'll leave it to you to sit in your room in the dark for 12 hours doing bgs.


No one cares, all reports have to be with proffs, and all the videos we saw here where about gargoyle casting while moving if the target goes away

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No one cares, all reports have to be with proffs, and all the videos we saw here where about gargoyle casting while moving if the target goes away


Even after i explained to you simpleton hundreds of times you didn't understand.

I proved you wrong many many times you're just not smart enough to understand.

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what u don't get here, he casts moving, gargoyle throws his cast instantly when he stops, that means he was casting the 2s while moving, stop trying to fake report.


You just ignore what lordnero + autsch + 10 other ppl here said or are you actually that stupid for real ? I mean i cant believe that ur that stupid ? Or you simply dont understand english ?




Jesus fucking christ ur out of mind srsly. Fuck sake ur a waste of air honestly. Crying 24/7 for proofs while the ppl already proofed it to you that ur wrong. IF you still dont get it, learn fucking english and come back. Monkey.

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You just ignore what lordnero + autsch + 10 other ppl here said or are you actually that stupid for real ? I mean i cant believe that ur that stupid ? Or you simply dont understand english ?




Jesus fucking christ ur out of mind srsly. Fuck sake ur a waste of air honestly. Crying 24/7 for proofs while the ppl already proofed it to you that ur wrong. IF you still dont get it, learn fucking english and come back. Monkey.


stop trying.. everyone can see in the videos that garogle casts while moving.

Edited by Señorpujo
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