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If you're into Discord, but would rather not deal with Tiggar and would like to be able to speak freely, I have one better suited for you. Also, I'm looking for able and trustworthy people to serve as admins on my server. If you're interested PM me and I will respond as promptly as possible.


Edit: You will not be turned away if you don't speak English primarily, I will add other language channels as the need arises.

Edited by fenris
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If you're into Discord, but would rather not deal with Tiggar and would like to be able to speak freely, I have one better suited for you. Also, I'm looking for able and trustworthy people to serve as admins on my server. If you're interested PM me and I will respond as promptly as possible.


Edit: You will not be turned away if you don't speak English primarily, I will add other language channels as the need arises.


Your server is garbage :)

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Tiggar, people can come to my server and say what they want with no fear of reprisal, but the moment they insult you on yours you'll ban them like the brain-dead moron you are. I encourage free speech, you don't. Which would most Discord users prefer?
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Tiggar, people can come to my server and say what they want with no fear of reprisal, but the moment they insult you on yours you'll ban them like the brain-dead moron you are. I encourage free speech, you don't. Which would most Discord users prefer?


Have you ever been on my discord? Why do you talk, talking without proof or any clue like a moronic fool and calls me a moron, you w0t mate?

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Tiggar, you don't act civilized on the forums. Why should I visit your Discord when I know your behavior there will be just as bad? Everyone on this forum hates you, so why would they go to your Discord either? All your server would allow you to do is say stupid and antagonistic stuff without consequence. So, obviously, Tiggar, you're not one to take seriously as you don't talk with much proof either of what you say.


Edit: call me a fool all you want. I can at least admit when something I said was foolish. You never admit to anything these days.

Edited by fenris
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Tiggar, you don't act civilized on the forums. Why should I visit your Discord when I know your behavior there will be just as bad? Everyone on this forum hates you, so why would they go to your Discord either? All your server would allow you to do is say stupid and antagonistic stuff without consequence. So, obviously, Tiggar, you're not one to take seriously as you don't talk with much proof either of what you say.


Edit: call me a fool all you want. I can at least admit when something I said was foolish. You never admit to anything these days.


Ehmm, I got no way to detect your intelligence level, too low to be detected.


Also, it consumes.

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Ur so cancer xFFDDD

.it consumes


He sure is. But that's what he gets for having a comprehension level of a gnat. He only picks and chooses from what I say cause he knows full well the rest of what I say is useless as a weapon, which tells me this tryhard kid can't bear to have intelligence in the same room with him. He'll be nothing more than a tryhard at life and life will smack him in the head. Real sad.

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He sure is. But that's what he gets for having a comprehension level of a gnat. He only picks and chooses from what I say cause he knows full well the rest of what I say is useless as a weapon, which tells me this tryhard kid can't bear to have intelligence in the same room with him. He'll be nothing more than a tryhard at life and life will smack him in the head. Real sad.


Uhm, why you all people on this forums act like some badass boys and irl you are just bullied children.


I bet you are some kind of tumor irl who annoys people until they beat the crap out of you and feed you with gravel, dirt and grass.

Edited by tiggar47
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Uhm, why you all people on this forums act like some badass boys and irl you are just bullied children.


I bet you are some kind of tumor irl who annoys people until they beat the crap out of you and feed you with gravel, dirt and grass.


same can be said for you. i bet YOU get bullied yourself, except you're a tumor irl AND on the forums.

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same can be said for you. i bet YOU get bullied yourself, except you're a tumor irl AND on the forums.


You got no idea son, no idea.


Only tumor people like you think everyone else is cancer except you, that you are healthy tissue but then it realises it has to be removed since he is the only one cancer there :P

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Tiggar, you have no idea who I am in real life, nor are you smart enough to realize you're playing into my hands with every insult you throw at me. The more I push your buttons, the more control I have over you because you'll respond in the exact manner I expect of you every time. So, yeah, keep being my little puppet, Tiggar. Keep throwing insults at me, because you're my toy till I decide to discard you for a new model. Here's reality for you, Tiggar. I usually got beat up despite the fact I always spent all my time minding my own business, so don't try and psychoanalyze me. All it will do is wear out what little brain you have left. Edited by fenris
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Tiggar, you don't act civilized on the forums. Why should I visit your Discord when I know your behavior there will be just as bad? Everyone on this forum hates you, so why would they go to your Discord either? All your server would allow you to do is say stupid and antagonistic stuff without consequence. So, obviously, Tiggar, you're not one to take seriously as you don't talk with much proof either of what you say.


Edit: call me a fool all you want. I can at least admit when something I said was foolish. You never admit to anything these days.


Are you retarded or what? You do know the block feature work's right? Stop being a fucking keyboard warrior, and go out into the world. You fucking waste of space and air.

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You got no idea son, no idea.


Only tumor people like you think everyone else is cancer except you, that you are healthy tissue but then it realises it has to be removed since he is the only one cancer there :P


You got no idea son, no idea.


I don't think anyone is cancer, except you and some other guys here.

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Ur so cancer xFFDDD

.it consumes


http://image.prntscr.com/image/2b927ede3d934bcd9fa5297e5299a44a.png The real mvp, the man, the myth the legend, the lord of all virgins, the lord of all of the no lifers, the lord of all keyboard warrior's. Noneed holy ladies and gentlemen. "hah i have life u only on facebook im r1 warrior get life idiot !" wp noneed

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http://image.prntscr.com/image/2b927ede3d934bcd9fa5297e5299a44a.png The real mvp, the man, the myth the legend, the lord of all virgins, the lord of all of the no lifers, the lord of all keyboard warrior's. Noneed holy ladies and gentlemen. "hah i have life u only on facebook im r1 warrior get life idiot !" wp noneed


This roast is like HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAH GG WP, Noneed rest in hell.

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