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So, as everyone knows, there is this randomest JAJAJA guild ever in xFun realm called . Each member of that guild is as random as possible, picked in Ironforge starter area, RANDOMLY. No rules, everyone speaks different languages, no one understands shit, no game knowledge.


So the reason of this thread is, the guild hosts RBG (RATED Battlegrounds). I know right, wttttfff?


But let me tell you all the staging, and cheating that is in their RBG groups, so you know and you won't join them again.


Roxisu / Mopsxx / Oakiedokie are the "main" hosters of these staged up RBGs, and they're actually pretty serious, and they care about their RBG rating, ikr, EleGiggle.


So, what is staged up, is, they ALWAYS pick their teams already (they invite random 20 people in the group and they stage up the "picking 1 by 1 part"


So basically, in the opposite team of Moppx / Roxisu / Oak, there is always multiple players missing, and in their team, EVEN THO they say only 2 healers, they have 3 to 4. The always players missing on the opposite side is kind of suspicious. My hypothese is one of them multiboxes in the enemy team, with an important role of course (healer), and when que pops, they don't join. I've been in alot of their RBGs and i know what i am talking about. Pujo can confirm there is ALWAYS people missing in one of the teams. Happens too often to call it a coincidence.


My other hypothesis is, each one of those 3 have it's own way of cheating.


Mopsxx and Roxi, pre-invite all the good people in their team, and with multiboxing, host a 2nd enemy team with only bad people, and again healers missing in that RBG, veri coincidence much cheat.


Meanwhile, Oakiedokie's way is more risky. I'll follow up with an anecdote. I once happened to be the leader (he usually makes us /roll, for leaders) of one group. When the leaders start picking up, i noticed how Oakiedokie went in stealth and did hide. When i started picking OP and influencive in game people, (Like people who are in TOP HK in website, Elbrujopujo, Foxylain and Lokoko p. ex.) i suddently received a /w from Oakiedokie, telling me who to invite, not quite "telling", but more like ordering. What caught my attention is, he also said "When you're 9 invite me last, i'll hide", i regret not taking a SS at that moment, honestly.


This might be just a misunderstandment, and i might be wrong. Who knows, but people who participated in their RBGs, can confirm there is something fishy going on.


The message i am trying to make you understand, isn't necessarily negative. They're just cheating to have high RBG rating on a private server, also to get the rare RBG titles of course. Which ruins ALL THE FUN for others.


So yeah, to those who did all this bullshit drama, thanks. For the rest who will post "LOL DIDNT READ ALL OF THAT" meme, fuck you.


Daily toxicity dose is reached, thanks.











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Posted (edited)

whats wrong with doing 10c10? i don't get your point


"Mopsxx and Roxi, pre-invite all the good people in their team, and with multiboxing, host a 2nd enemy team with only bad people, and again healers missing in that RBG, veri coincidence much cheat."


In all the 10c10 i did with them, i didn't saw any multibox.


The pick of players works like this: they made a 20 raid, with 4 or 6 heals (2 heals or 3 heals per team), then when we are 20, people who want to be leaders use /roll, the 2 highest become the leaders of each team, the higher roll starts picking, each team have to pick his heals first, once all heals are in their respectives teams each leader can start picking dps, one dps per turn, till both teams are 10, then both teams que 10c10 and its a real 10c10, i don't get the point on this post seriously.



Tell me what are they doing wrong by making 10c10 games, at least they try to make 10c10 cuz no one plays it almost, it takes like 20mins to get 20 people cuz everyone is in elwin dueling or afk.


What u said about multibox and farming 10c10 its just not true, come when they ask for 10c10 and u will see.



About that: "Pujo can confirm there is ALWAYS people missing in one of the teams. Happens too often to call it a coincidence."


While we picking teams, some people just get afk or goes away, dunno why, so we have to wait for more players to be 10 in each team, but usually we are 20 and we make 10 per team, the think is that when we join 10c10, some players ragequit.


For example, when both teams face each other, and 1 team own the other so fast in the first teamfight, some players just ragequit.



"they say only 2 healers"


2 or 3 heals per team, but always the same amount of heals each team, another think is if some heals are better heals than other, but there will be always better and worse players.

Edited by Señorpujo
  • Like 2

When I played with them, everything seemed legit...


enemy team had both Oakie and Pujo and we still won so idk what this premade stuff is about, you get rating for both losing and winning so it doesn't seem that surprising.

  Machmollox said:
xD also, its obvious that pujo will deffend. he makes part from the "OP" team instead of the randomic one


I already explained how 10c10 works, at least how it works when im there, i never chose with who i go.

Posted (edited)
I wanted to improve this server with RBGs, but haters is everywhere, I dont bount of you guild with drama kids. Look at my looses, Roxisu looses, Mopsx too, and when you see 100-0, tell me, this explain all. You join on many rbgs with us and you see what happens when Leaders with no experience broke all at least. The point is when you try to do something, haters its everywhere ^^ and stop drama. WTF Multiboxers haha, get a life man. Im truly sad for you :(, you'll see multiboxers in down of page like Deathkone, Deathktwo etc:). And who write this thread? Another Guild Master who feels threatened because his guild break in two. Pointless Edited by tzibu89
  • Like 1

rbg rating on here is totally irrelevant as you dont lose rating even if you lose the bg LOL


would be sick if ppl actually queued rbg tho, but if ppl wont que 3s or 5s, why even bother with rbg? seems pointless to me.

Posted (edited)

Just check win and loses, If we cheating something and we always in same group why we have different rating, win-lose balance etc?


- - - Updated - - -


  Señorpujo said:
I already explained how 10c10 works, at least how it works when im there, i never chose with who i go.


From over 100 Rbgs played people know who play good and bad, of course leaders be rolling too, and they pick whatever player he want 1 by 1. We just tryed to improve this server with Rated Bgs cuz no one play, only 2 guild from X100 who its hard to find when we have one group. So I decided to squeeze 20 ppl and after to spread in 2 teams, of course 1 team its better than other. This is a game, about rating in RBGs, we play here for fun, Rating from RBGs dont prove nothing.


- - - Updated - - -


  Señorpujo said:
whats wrong with doing 10c10? i don't get your point


"Mopsxx and Roxi, pre-invite all the good people in their team, and with multiboxing, host a 2nd enemy team with only bad people, and again healers missing in that RBG, veri coincidence much cheat."


In all the 10c10 i did with them, i didn't saw any multibox.


The pick of players works like this: they made a 20 raid, with 4 or 6 heals (2 heals or 3 heals per team), then when we are 20, people who want to be leaders use /roll, the 2 highest become the leaders of each team, the higher roll starts picking, each team have to pick his heals first, once all heals are in their respectives teams each leader can start picking dps, one dps per turn, till both teams are 10, then both teams que 10c10 and its a real 10c10, i don't get the point on this post seriously.



Tell me what are they doing wrong by making 10c10 games, at least they try to make 10c10 cuz no one plays it almost, it takes like 20mins to get 20 people cuz everyone is in elwin dueling or afk.


What u said about multibox and farming 10c10 its just not true, come when they ask for 10c10 and u will see.



About that: "Pujo can confirm there is ALWAYS people missing in one of the teams. Happens too often to call it a coincidence."


While we picking teams, some people just get afk or goes away, dunno why, so we have to wait for more players to be 10 in each team, but usually we are 20 and we make 10 per team, the think is that when we join 10c10, some players ragequit.


For example, when both teams face each other, and 1 team own the other so fast in the first teamfight, some players just ragequit.



"they say only 2 healers"


2 or 3 heals per team, but always the same amount of heals each team, another think is if some heals are better heals than other, but there will be always better and worse players.


Pujo sayd here how Rated Bgs works. Its pointless to explain again. ^^

Edited by tzibu89
  Repitchx said:
rbg rating on here is totally irrelevant as you dont lose rating even if you lose the bg LOL


would be sick if ppl actually queued rbg tho, but if ppl wont que 3s or 5s, why even bother with rbg? seems pointless to me.


Who cares of rating lol, i do 10c10 cuz its fun to fight 550 people and not to fight 300k players from x100 realm

Posted (edited)
  Señorpujo said:
Who cares of rating lol, i do 10c10 cuz its fun to fight 550 people and not to fight 300k players from x100 realm


Your friend care, since he invited people that wasn't in the group of 20. For example we made a group of 20 people and my friend was the last one that didn't got invited, so the 2nd leader asked for his monk friend to inv my friend and he said ''Full, que.''. And when the bg started I see Funkabizax that wasn't in the group of 20 ppl. So yes, they(Oakie, Rokisu and his bf monk) care about rating.

Edited by Excitant
  Excitant said:
Your friend care, since he invited people that wasn't in the group of 20. For example we made a group of 20 people and my friend was the last one that didn't got invited, so the 2nd leader asked for his monk friend for inv my friend and he said ''Full, que.''. And when the bg started I see Funkabizax that wasn't in the group of 20 ppl. So yes, they(Oakie, Rokisu and his bf monk) care about rating.


Every team fight for win, ( a lot of ppl who dont know how to play in rbgs and they make PVP) 1 ppl left from our team, when leader say who is left no one answer, after Funka comes in our place where we do RBgs teams, so leader inv him. Please stop lying and act like a man. Everytime one team is better than other, when I lost in RBGs a lot of time was because we cheat here? I dont think so, people who play with us know the rules. I struggle to find same number of healers for each team, ye of course, for BALACE teams! I tryed to do the best, but I know also that haters is around everytime when you try to do something and they can't. I spend a lot of hours when I try to play rbgs to find people. Everytime I say: Roll for leaders only who can handle it and know how to be leader! But alot of players who dont know what is rbgs roll, and again they broken all because he dont know who players need to inv in our team, 1-2 hours spend for nothing. Why you dont see how hard its to play here RBGS, I think you played a lot of game and you see how it works ^, Make you a better host for RBGs if you can, about rating, of course I have high rating because I play most.. and I dont care about it, I just wanted to put in your life RBGS, something else, and stop boring of 2s, but again haters rise up :))


Please do us a favor and stop acting like the victim. You know that you and your friends TRYHARD so much in 10x10, the 2nd leader said ''WHO'S LEFT''? my friend was in the FUCKING USELESS LINE and even said ''ME'' yet your friend didn't invited him, after 1-2 minutes funkabizax comes(after both teams almost done, how funny huh? :D).

About your losses, it's funny because even if you guys TRYHARD cheating, still loses sometimes.

Thanks for Felx exposing them.

  • Like 1
Posted (edited)
  Excitant said:
Please do us a favor and stop acting like the victim. You know that you and your friends TRYHARD so much in 10x10, the 2nd leader said ''WHO'S LEFT''? my friend was in the FUCKING USELESS LINE and even said ''ME'' yet your friend didn't invited him, after 1-2 minutes funkabizax comes(after both teams almost done, how funny huh? :D).

About your losses, it's funny because even if you guys TRYHARD cheating, still loses sometimes.

Thanks for Felx exposing them.


You make me laugh hard :)), Felx tell you to post here or what? =) If I wanted to cheat here now my rating was 2,2k on RBGs, like I sayd, haters its everywhere. I play agaist Roxisu and Mopsx in RBG, a lot of time, people can confirm, different rating win-lose balance too, because we have one first rule when play RBGs "Respect Leaders choose" if leader inv you accept. So dont tell me about cheat. And stop being a hater without real life ^^


- - - Updated - - -


  Noneedholy said:
FeelsBadMan care about a pserver RBG ... cant u just make ur own 10 ppl geoup and snipe them oor are they also dodging xd ?


I tryed to do guild vs guild Rated Bgs but no one Guild master can host a team for RBGs like I sayd, just 2 guild from X100 who is hard to find, to lazy, not enouch ppl and other excuses. I just wanted to do something else here, and stop boring :)

Edited by tzibu89
  Excitant said:
Your friend care, since he invited people that wasn't in the group of 20. For example we made a group of 20 people and my friend was the last one that didn't got invited, so the 2nd leader asked for his monk friend to inv my friend and he said ''Full, que.''. And when the bg started I see Funkabizax that wasn't in the group of 20 ppl. So yes, they(Oakie, Rokisu and his bf monk) care about rating.


usually, while making the teams some people leave, saying that takes alot of time :/

  Noneedholy said:
FeelsBadMan care about a pserver RBG ... cant u just make ur own 10 ppl geoup and snipe them oor are they also dodging xd ?


Said The guy who cares about private server title / exp

First stop lying about us and our guild, you are afraid because a lot of members leave from you guild :) Im so sorry for you, people who play with us in rbg know the truth, and you get a real life, ah nah, you cant do this, you can`t do rbg too when you are tryed, that its you real problem and thats the reason you make thread. ^^ :rofl_mini:
  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

I am very happy, that someone make a post about Rated BG.

I will told you something about that what they really doing. They make group with 20 people.

The rules:

After we are ready i mean after they create this group, all people must leave the party, and only people who want to lead group, and know English, must press / roll. This who have biggest roll is first leader and he picked first, people, one by one.


x have 90 roll

y have 8 roll

z have 79 roll

X is first leader, Z is second leader. X picked first then Z, again X, again Z etc

And here start all cheat. Last time when i play RBGs with this guys, Oakiedokie does not press / roll, no one choose him. The person with most point win the 2th lead. Oakiedokie get all people before you can to choose. And everything who you can to do is to get this guys who are free. He always play with Foxylain, Elbrujopujo and his brother's Mopsx, Roxi .. etc ... And Always he have more healers then you, and ofcourse he win 99% of cases. But this is your fault. If all of you leave the group next time when he lie, he will start to follow the rules!

For this i does not play with them anymore, and now i look Guild chat. Before it was easy to make a group 20 people. Now everyone saw how he cheat and do not follow the rules and now he very hard make the group!

Just, my tips for you

1. Does not join with this guy


2. when you see how he lie, just leave the party!


And now specially for you Oakidokie if you read this - I do not hate you, neither someone-else, this is not a hate, this is all the true, about what are you doing and how you doing! If you start to follow the rules you never will read this posts. In my country have one proverb - smoke without fire does not exist.

If you can not understand this proverb i will explain you - people talking, because You make a fire! If you follow the rules no one will talk, and no one will "hate you"!

Edited by TALIRK
  • Like 2
Posted (edited)
  TALIRK said:
I am very happy, that someone make a post about Rated BG.

I will told you something about that what they really doing. They make group with 20 people.

The rules:

After we are ready i mean after they create this group, all people must leave the party, and only people who want to lead group, and know English, must press / roll. This who have biggest roll is first leader and he picked first, people, one by one.


x have 90 roll

y have 8 roll

z have 79 roll

X is first leader, Z is second leader. X picked first then Z, again X, again Z etc

And here start all cheat. Last time when i play RBGs with this guys, Oakiedokie does not press / roll, no one choose him. The person with most point win the 2th lead. Oakiedokie get all people before you can to choose. And everything who you can to do is to get this guys who are free. He always play with Foxylain, Elbrujopujo and his brother's Mopsx, Roxi .. etc ... And Always he have more healers then you, and ofcourse he win 99% of cases. But this is your fault. If all of you leave the group next time when he lie, he will start to follow the rules!

For this i does not play with them anymore, and now i look Guild chat. Before it was easy to make a group 20 people. Now everyone saw how he cheat and do not follow the rules and now he very hard make the group!

Just, my tips for you

1. Does not join with this guy


2. when you see how he lie, just leave the party!


And now specially for you Oakidokie if you read this - I do not hate you, neither someone-else, this is not a hate, this is all the true, about what are you doing and how you doing! If you start to follow the rules you never will read this posts. In my country have one proverb - smoke without fire does not exist.

If you can not understand this proverb i will explain you - people talking, because You make a fire! If you follow the rules no one will talk, and no one will "hate you"!



You are free to invent things, but thats not how it was.


I already explained how was 10c10 rules, when no one want to be leader or some leaders are russians or retards then oakie or mops get 1 lead team cuz if not take years to get 2 decent leaders talking english, and if they pick me as first dps is not their fault, every leader that was picking dps picked me first, not just them.. depends on which team chose dps first not on this bullshit u saying.


And most of times mops is 1 leader and we just /roll for the 2nd leader cuz usually leaders are retarded or don't even speak english, mops is always heal spec, so when he start picking heals and then dps, he full his team with heals faster than if the other team leader is not heal, just because is a max of 2/3 heals per team, that makes him chose dps before the other team and if he picks me all time is not my fault.. i sometimes got picked by another leader but just happens if the 2nd leader is heal also and picks first.

Edited by Señorpujo
  • Like 1
Posted (edited)
  \ said:
I am very happy' date=' that someone make a post about Rated BG.[/quote']


Thanks for supporting me, first of all. :) Since it is a situation where 90% of the people are happy with it, because "whoaa, a rare RBG, and we get 400 conq points per win !" I thought everyone was fine with it, cuz you lose twice and you win once, you still end up having 400 cp, a win-win situation for some people.


Believe or not, i am a fair-play person, i never abuse, re-roll classes that has bugs on their advantage, or just get involved in non-fairplay. (jk actually bought a hunter for 2-3 days only to do 200k crits as BM, and abused DoC on feral where you do 300k ravages, but that's all) Seeing people playing unfairly triggers me so fucking much you have no idea, whenever i face a botter in arenas i just give up, because, i play boomy, a fucked up class in 2s, and facing a botter warr/rsham, is a horror for me.



And there you have all the other people who defend Critt Happens guild, people with NO personality, like Senorpujo. He gets his 400 cp, and shows to everyone else how he clicks his burst > Rain of Fire, and occasional Shadowburns, only to satisfy himself when the arena/BG is done, and he is the n1 in damage done.


Pujo, not only he is hispanic, but he is also an ignorant hypocrite. He reports people abusing bugs, but he is the only one known who abuses EVERYTHING in this server. Mamooth's Fury, remember?


He is the one being banned MULTIPLE times for bug abusing, and now here he is, defending his spanish rat bug abusing brothers.


Pujo, get.the.fuck.out.of.my.thread.


Spain needs a president like Donald Trump, or dictator like Hitler, to exterminate the entire hispanic (except the hot brazilian girls) civilization, cuz holy fucking shit dude, all you FKIN DO is spam EVERY thread with your useless opinion, only to farm posts.

Edited by Felxprod
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Posted (edited)
  Felxprod said:
He gets his 400 cp


u talk so much shit, why the fuck i want cp lol, i already explained how is when i came for 10c10, but people is free to believe in wathever they want, if u want to think 10c10 is not legit, u are free to think that and be happy inside ur brain, but that won't make the reality work like u think.


btw, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=urcqQC02YbY

Edited by Señorpujo
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