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So as always i wake in the morning, go outside:run, come to my house take a shower, eat, drink, turn my computer on going to forum.pandawwow.ru > what's new: i see threads "flood" "mute him" " ban him he insulted my mommy" " mute him he said the n word" "ban him for racism" well i guess that's why pwow community is so cancer: instead of reporting game breaking bugs they are litterly trying to get each other banned. okay so after 2-3 hours i see gm responded to them: "30m mute" "30 day ban" "1 hour mute" etc etc, so my question is, Why the fuck would u respond on this idiotic thread which is litterly making your server more toxic than it was before. instead of responding on this stupid threads u could've at least respond on bug trackers, Imagine how fuckin good it would've been if GM would respond to a bug tracker after 2-3 hours JUST IMAGINE, how many bugs would've been fixed if they did it, But hey our server is already diving in bullshit why don't we throw more bullshit into our server so we make a bullshit castle :O some of bug reports where made in 2015 and still no respond LOL. Undermap bug was since the server started and it's still NOT FIXED LIKE WTF MAN, well i mean: at least u could've get back after u get undermapped, but now when u egt undermapped it's gg peace out grill scout, Anyway what else do we have here: OFFFFF-course Pathfinding which one bugged since server release and still not fixed: i guess it's way too hard to fix it even tho pathfinding works perfectly on your WoD server Wod-empire, also major bugs like gargoyle moving and casting staying on melee range, Mushroom which was also bugged since the day pandawow was released, also vanish bug which happened recently: 4 month ago or so LUL,also wintrading which has been a problem over 2 years already. Anyway: if you would've answer THIS useful threads instead of other idiotic "mute him" "ban him he insulted my family sad face" threads THIS SERVER WOULD BE FUCKIN PERFECT!!!!!!! this community is just too retarded, for you priority is to mute ppl first and than fix useful bugs, BUT Hey this is your server so i guess u can feed us with any bullshit u want :)))0)))))))). Ik amma get banned for this but tbh i don't give a single fuck :)
  • Like 2
this community is just too retarded



Let's be serious for a moment and bring some facts.


World of Warcraft is a GAME. PandaWoW is an UNOFFICIAL server of the original game.


WoW is a game, and not quite "clever" men/women play it (unless you make a living out of it)(because they have something called "full-time job" to feed the entire family instead of wasting his time with an useless game), especially in a private server.


So what i am pointing out is, PandaWoW's community is based on 95% children between 10-15years old who can not play the game on the original server because they receive 2$ weekly. (keeping it generous)


Look at PandaWoW GM's / chatmods like if they're the kindergarten teachers. No talent in any kind of task, no intelligence, a complete waste of human flesh, but they keep living, and getting paid over down syndromed, annoying children.


I apologize for having an opinion and actually minding to comment over this subject, since it is quite obvious for everyone.

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So as always i wake in the morning, go outside:run, come to my house take a shower, eat, drink, turn my computer on going to forum.pandawwow.ru


Pretty much everything else you wrote doesn't even matter because wooow your life seems to blow ass... No offense.


Last time i saw a post like this, the thread starter got banned. Also hope u do not.



Agree with u 100% removing the fact u still care for this wasting ur life trying to opine to this gms.

Pretty much everything else you wrote doesn't even matter because wooow your life seems to blow ass... No offense.


Holidays baby have u heard of it? no?

your life seems to blow ass... No offense


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Last time i saw a post like this, the thread starter got banned. Also hope u do not.



Agree with u 100% removing the fact u still care for this wasting ur life trying to opine to this gms.


It's not a waste btw i still got nothing to do HOLIDAYS BABY!!!!


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Guys Guys!!! Apperently there is a guy with forum name Лико who is spamming threads Flood/Insults etc etc, Лико if you are watching this i have to say that you are more autistic than the song writer of "I play pokemon go" song.

Holidays baby have u heard of it? no?


Yes actually, what I do on my holidays are going out socializing, hanging out with friends & rolling a few half sacks each and later at night I watch new episodes of series like Walking Dead to finnish the day off. But yeah, I guess going to forum.pandawwow.ru is also time well spent.

well my friends are all resting in russia/italy/murica/sweden etc etc im the unlucky one feelsbadman i've seen every walking dead episodes waiting for season 7, so yea, i've got nothing to do ;)
well my friends are all resting in russia/italy/murica/sweden etc etc im the unlucky one feelsbadman i've seen every walking dead episodes waiting for season 7, so yea, i've got nothing to do ;)


wait...are you saying you have no irl friends? pixels doesn't count aka people you haven't actually met

aka people you haven't actually met


Please, we've been over this, read carefully before you comment something stupid...


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Since I doubt you've actually met your online friends from Sweden, Russia, Italy and America.

Please, we've been over this, read carefully before you comment something stupid...


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Since I doubt you've actually met your online friends from Sweden, Russia, Italy and America.


I think that what he meant is that they're on vacation over those places and he couldn't go out of the country so he's got no friends to hang out atm.

I think that what he meant is that they're on vacation over those places and he couldn't go out of the country so he's got no friends to hang out atm.


Yeah, all of his friends went on vacation at the same time to different countries, makes sense.


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Because who wouldn't wanna go to vacation to Russia.


Jonte, you are retarded, i just wrote that my friends are "RESTING" in other countries, what part of "my friends are resting in other countries" u didn't get?


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I've never said that they went on vacation at the same time lol, like u are so retarded... you are trying to prove that i have no friends that makes NO FUCKIN SENSE now please stop commenting u are triggering me.

Jonte, you are retarded, i just wrote that my friends are "RESTING" in other countries, what part of "my friends are resting in other countries" u didn't get?


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I've never said that they went on vacation at the same time lol, like u are so retarded... you are trying to prove that i have no friends that makes NO FUCKIN SENSE now please stop commenting u are triggering me.


Idk, how about you stop being mentally challenged and answer my simple question?

are you saying you have no irl friends?


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Idc if they're dead/alive, on vacation or not etc, you just have to answer my question, and I couldn't have made it simpler for you, jesus christ, kid.

I got friends who are right now in russia, ukraine, croatia, america and (coming back today) from spain ? Wheres ur problem ? Some ppl have to go to russian since they need to visit their families or w/e. Stop always trying to tell everyone how sick ur life is because it isnt the first time you brag about ur life on a wow forum(lol) it starts to look sad if u keep doing that
  • Like 1
I got friends who are right now in russia, ukraine, croatia, america and (coming back today) from spain ? Wheres ur problem ? Some ppl have to go to russian since they need to visit their families or w/e. Stop always trying to tell everyone how sick ur life is because it isnt the first time you brag about ur life on a wow forum(lol) it starts to look sad if u keep doing that


I just asked what he meant due to what he said, just a casual question, your opinion isn't needed, boy. Tho, pretty much everyone on this forum is sick of your shit, most people would probably have a better life if you'd just never log on the forum again, it's just sad if you keep doing it, you're just taking shit to your face.

your opinion isn't needed, boy.


Please don't be tiggar while he's busy with school irl pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaassssssssssssssssssssseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

  • Like 1
So as always i wake in the morning, go outside:run, come to my house take a shower, eat, drink, turn my computer on going to forum.pandawwow.ru > what's new: i see threads "flood" "mute him" " ban him he insulted my mommy" " mute him he said the n word" "ban him for racism" well i guess that's why pwow community is so cancer: instead of reporting game breaking bugs they are litterly trying to get each other banned. okay so after 2-3 hours i see gm responded to them: "30m mute" "30 day ban" "1 hour mute" etc etc, so my question is, Why the fuck would u respond on this idiotic thread which is litterly making your server more toxic than it was before. instead of responding on this stupid threads u could've at least respond on bug trackers, Imagine how fuckin good it would've been if GM would respond to a bug tracker after 2-3 hours JUST IMAGINE, how many bugs would've been fixed if they did it, But hey our server is already diving in bullshit why don't we throw more bullshit into our server so we make a bullshit castle :O some of bug reports where made in 2015 and still no respond LOL. Undermap bug was since the server started and it's still NOT FIXED LIKE WTF MAN, well i mean: at least u could've get back after u get undermapped, but now when u egt undermapped it's gg peace out grill scout, Anyway what else do we have here: OFFFFF-course Pathfinding which one bugged since server release and still not fixed: i guess it's way too hard to fix it even tho pathfinding works perfectly on your WoD server Wod-empire, also major bugs like gargoyle moving and casting staying on melee range, Mushroom which was also bugged since the day pandawow was released, also vanish bug which happened recently: 4 month ago or so LUL,also wintrading which has been a problem over 2 years already. Anyway: if you would've answer THIS useful threads instead of other idiotic "mute him" "ban him he insulted my family sad face" threads THIS SERVER WOULD BE FUCKIN PERFECT!!!!!!! this community is just too retarded, for you priority is to mute ppl first and than fix useful bugs, BUT Hey this is your server so i guess u can feed us with any bullshit u want :)))0)))))))). Ik amma get banned for this but tbh i don't give a single fuck :)



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