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For the entire season? And do you mean that you would only be able to get rewards from 3v3 or making it so you can't que 2v2 for an entire month?


Yes, the entire season. And only rewards will be available in 3v3, you can still queue 2v2 but you won't get anything out of it other than conquest points, just like retail.


Are you guys even excited that they are working on a ( hopefully ) good log site and new control panel?


Personally really looking forward for things like: logs, more retail-like arena and so forth. Just kinda dissatisfied by the fact that zeox seems to be the only one publishing/announcing progress/ideas.


Yeah, it's great, but you still look over the fact that nothing will really change. Let's say they implement the new system on control panel and logs and stuff, that will stop wintraders, great. Still no 3v3 queues at all, 2v2 being swamped with retarded shit like mw/war and hpr/mage. That's why 3v3 should only matter as far as rewards are concerned. I already stated this but I'll state it again. People are concerned about having only 3v3 give titles. Saying that it won't make a difference..... Of course it'll make a difference. It'll force the 2v2 heroes to play 3v3 if they want any sort of reward. Plus, this is 100% only directed towards the high-end players in 2v2 that rarely queue 3v3. It will force them to queue 3v3 while the randoms and casuals can have their fun in 2v2. Removing the titles won't affect the bracket at all until you reach Challenger level, which a few seasons ago was 2.8+. So, casuals would never even get close to reaching it, therefore they wouldn't even notice a difference. But, the players who tryhard will notice a difference and will actually have a reason to queue 3s.


If you don't understand it, sorry. I'm done explaining it. Nothing really left on this forum. This is my idea, you either like it or you don't. End of story.

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I already stated this but I'll state it again. People are concerned about having only 3v3 give titles. Saying that it won't make a difference..... Of course it'll make a difference. It'll force the 2v2 heroes to play 3v3 if they want any sort of reward. Plus' date=' this is 100% only directed towards the high-end players in 2v2 that rarely queue 3v3. It will force them to queue 3v3 while the randoms and casuals can have their fun in 2v2.[/quote']

So did I.

People like Dartmeganz' date=' Akuyama, Kagu and alot of other people that are capable of getting r1 in 2s would surely be more likely to try to push for 3s instead of 2s.[/quote']



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Yes' date=' the entire season. And only rewards will be available in 3v3, you can still queue 2v2 but you won't get anything out of it other than conquest points, just like retail.[/quote']


They have to make a decicion which will satisfy the community. 2s will still be a big junk of it. Therefore you have to offer options here. Personally I would like to withdraw ALL rewards for 2s to see what happens. But alot of people will cry obviously.

Edited by Autschbatsch
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Yes, the entire season. And only rewards will be available in 3v3, you can still queue 2v2 but you won't get anything out of it other than conquest points


That's what I was looking for. If PandaWoW can do that & actually fix major bugs then that would definetly save their server...

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  • 3 weeks later...
I honestly don't care for titles, I just play because ..why not? Although I'm just saying, I played on Firestorm and it used to be more popular than this server, they removed 2s rewards and now their server is completely dead so, yeah.
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I honestly don't care for titles' date=' I just play because ..why not? Although I'm just saying, I played on Firestorm and it used to be more popular than this server, they removed 2s rewards and now their server is completely dead so, yeah.[/quote']


Dude relax lmao, do you feel personal about this? It's about the concept. Not the players. :heart:


As I said earlier if you pay attention, I don't want to take away rewards, ( even if I would like to see if it would turn out as bad as you are sayin ) , I just really dislike the concept of giving away the same amount of r1 to 2s. 2s is a broken ladder kinda and should only award a temporary title like Gladiator.

Edited by Autschbatsch
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Only glad in 2s and R1 in 3s, thats how simply it is. Btw nice 3s que session akuyama xD


But this still doesn't give anyone the incentive to queue 3s. Let's say they were to implement this, here's the problem. It's 10x easier to get the glad title in 2s than it is to get the r1 title in 3s. Therefore, why would I waste my time queueing 3s all day just to get a permanent title when I can get the same title every season in 2s without about a third of the queue times. I'd have to worry about finding 2 players for 3s, I'd have to worry about the 3s bracket actually having people play on it, etc. 3s is a much more difficult bracket to get into than 2s because much more players queue 2s than 3s. But, this is pretty similar on retail. Not many casuals play 3s at above 1550 mmr, they play it for fun. Just like in 2s for pwow, they're probably at 2k max, then they play different stuff or sit the same rating no matter their win/loss. So, what you'd find is that you'd have to put in a lot more work and time in order to get just one extra title than you would in 2s which takes much less work. If I, myself, was at Aku's level and got rank 1 every season in 2s, I wouldn't waste my time trying to get 3s sessions going just for one extra title every season. This is just my opinion, any and all opinions are welcome, but yeah.


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Also, my idea is mainly to get the hardcore players that actually care about titles to play 3v3. I don't want to fight pugs all day, you know. If every rank 1 2v2 player switched over to 3v3 and did 2s more casually, it would be a stronger bracket. Getting even just Challenger in 2s is still like 2.7-2.8k cr, only the absolute hardcore players will even get close to getting that. So, all of the randoms that come here won't ever have a chance of even getting Challenger. But, that won't stop them from still queueing 2s. People still queue 2s on retail, doesn't mean they get anything out of it. Even the rank 1 players queue 2s. But, they pay more attention and spend more time on 3s because they have that incentive of showing off their titles to their friends and enemies.


Thus, removing 2s titles would keep the regulars queueing 2s while the hardcore's queue 3s.


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PS. @aku, Firestorm was booming right as the season started. I don't know what caused them to die now, but several people I talked to said that queue sessions in 3s were hyped right after they made the change.

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PS. @aku, Firestorm was booming right as the season started. I don't know what caused them to die now, but several people I talked to said that queue sessions in 3s were hyped right after they made the change.


Legion happened, go watch server stats, 5k ppl online on their legion server, 300 online on each mop server. As soon as the legion hype is gone, firestorm will be alive again, like pandawow would be if they made a 3s based server.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
I agree that things should not be just black and white.

My conception of title cut off would be something like this:


2v2: position 1-12 "Gladiator" ( not rank 1 ) so people that enjoy 2s still have a reason to play for presitge+bonuses and keep them busy cause gladiator should only stay for 1season.

3v3: position 1-12 "Wrathful Gladiator" ( example of the r1 title )


Other title cut off's: Increase the number of "Duelist" "Rival" and "Challanger", most people are not even close the be able to get some reward which represents their skill after a season.


With the current system there are only 5 players that will gain "Duelist" "Rival" and "Challanger" per bracket, I would increase that number to lets say 12, same as gladiator cut.


The only thing I am not certain about is how to handle "Gladiator" title in 3v3. Still thinking about it.





TLDR; 2s should only award glad and the numbers of lower titles should be increased by alot to motivate people.


So can we make that a thing?


Zeox, if possible, think about it (Since the season reset will come soon)

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No way lol ...


2v2: position 1-4 "Gladiator" ( not rank 1 ) so people that enjoy 2s still have a reason to play for presitge+bonuses and keep them busy cause gladiator should only stay for 1season.

3v3: position 1-6 "Wrathful Gladiator" ( example of the r1 title ), 7-12 Gladiator


looks better imo


ofc glad should stay only for 1 season


Give us a challange and not everyone a title :l

Edited by Noneedholy
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Agreed with setfen autsch, like, i played 3s with setfen and robby, and my god did i suck ass, but it was really fun, and ofcourse being sniped by autsch and repitch + random healer was fun, it made setfen very [ATTACH=CONFIG]121667[/ATTACH], it was still pretty fucking fun. +1 for the idea.
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Okay, I think this goes for a lot of people but I'm going to say it anyway.


I think Zeox should make it so only 3v3 matters for next season. Even just for one season to try it out and see how it goes.


There's obviously some problems that might arise from this but it's nothing that can't be overcome.


I want this thread to be a pros and cons list of why this server should or shouldn't only have 3v3 titles and achievements.


I'll also have this:




Where you can vote for it just to see where everyone is at regarding this.

I myself only care about 3s because 2s is too fotm oriented.


One pro of having only 3v3 is that a lot of the really good players that have quit this server will probably come back because good players only care about 3s. I, myself, am in no way a good player but I would come back in a heartbeat if this were to go through. I know a lot of others that would as well. 3v3 has a bigger variety of comps, a more coordinated gameplay setting, and just basically takes more skill than 2s. I would much rather play LSD into Shatter than play mw/war into hpr/mage all day. And, if this does go through, there'll be a lot more people wanting to do 3v3 tournaments and stuff like that.


Anyway, let me know your thoughts on why or why not this should be done. Thanks for reading!



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K, to finalize this post for Zeox:


1. Removing titles in 2s will not kill the bracket

a. Reason 1: Casuals play 2s, they don't play 3s. Even on retail. This server is 90% casuals.

b. Reason 2: Casuals would have no chance of EVER getting a title anyway, that's not their goal when coming here.

2. Keeping titles in 2s but only temp titles won't make a difference.

a. Reason 1: I don't know about you, but it seems to me that it's much harder to get rating in 3s than it is in 2s(3 members, less queues, etc.) so why waste the time trying to get a permanent title rather than get a temp title.

b. Reason 2: I'd rather spend my time getting the same temp title every season(Gladiator) in 2s than trying much much harder to get a permanent title in 3s(Vicious Gladiator for example).

3. Making 3v3 only titles will bring back members who have left pandawow.

a. Reason: I, for one, don't play this server much anymore but if 3s mattered then I would. I am living evidence.

4. Originality: The only private server that has 3v3 only rewards.

a. Discussion: I don't know about you, but other than Firestorm(that's dead and almost going down), I can't think of any other servers in WoW history(besides retail) that had 3v3 only rewards. Now I'm probably wrong and someone can shine more light on this, but it'll still get the attention of other server players that enjoy 3v3 but are playing in dead brackets to come here. Thus, populating the server and having an original aspect to it.


In conclusion: This is not designed to get every single player on pwow to queue 3v3! The only reason this is being done is to get rank 1 players that are already high rated in 2s to queue 3s.

Edited by Setfenv
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