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1. Name of spell - http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=33757

2. Tested - 20.10.2016

3. Description of the problem - Windfury not working on 2 hand weapons

4. Realm - x100

5. Example - It should proc on 2h weapons


I do understand that this problem is not of a high priority but please please please fix windfury for 2h weapons (axes at least). Made a 85-89 bracket twink shaman and brought http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=44924 for 113 bonuses just so i can watch huge 2h windfury crits and prob 1 shot cloth classes, turns out it's not working on 2h weapons... Like i said its not a high priority problem but it should be easy enough to just add windfury to 2h axes so please take 5min of your time and do it i beg of you! Thank you

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