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What's funny is, that all of you EU cunts ( I'm from EU aswell ), are talking about politics of another country, you really don't have any say in that. Trump didn't say he's gonna ban muslims, mexicans, or any other nationality from the US, he only said he wasn't gonna allow ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION, the fact that most of the people discarded the word "Illegal" makes me really fucking sick. Trump was a better choice out of the 2.
  • Like 1
What's funny is, that all of you EU cunts ( I'm from EU aswell ), are talking about politics of another country, you really don't have any say in that. Trump didn't say he's gonna ban muslims, mexicans, or any other nationality from the US, he only said he wasn't gonna allow ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION, the fact that most of the people discarded the word "Illegal" makes me really fucking sick. Trump was a better choice out of the 2.


^^^ this.


people companing about trump when hillary with her feminist/liberal shit was a lot worse

  • Like 1
Explain why you do not like Trump? Do you think Hillary is better? Her ideas stupid, she it is too soft with muslims.


I'm against both but if i have to choose between those two, I would choose Hillary. I won't vote a Man who's racist against Muslims only because he thinks that every single Muslim is islamist, a man that hates gays and lesbians for liking ppl of their own gender, a man that treats women as a sexual toy, that is racist against chinese people, that has penal backgrounds, that hates Mexicans because as he says most of them are criminals and drug dealers even tho it's not true. I wouldn't vote someone who insults people like a little kid calling them ¨fucking stupid¨ through Twitter.

Voting someone for president that doesn't even respect his family, is the last thing i would do.


Ofc Hillary has bad things too, but has a little bit of humanity in her not like Trump.

^^^ this.


people companing about trump when hillary with her feminist/liberal shit was a lot worse


Like not even that, feminism might even be a good choice, but still. Speaking from my PoV, Hillary Clinton, would 100% cause more problems for Serbia. She would bomb my country again. Trump made some really good arguments that Clinton couldn't come back from. But then again, It's not my country, i can't, will not choose.

  • Like 1
What's funny is, that all of you EU cunts ( I'm from EU aswell ), are talking about politics of another country, you really don't have any say in that. Trump didn't say he's gonna ban muslims, mexicans, or any other nationality from the US, he only said he wasn't gonna allow ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION, the fact that most of the people discarded the word "Illegal" makes me really fucking sick. Trump was a better choice out of the 2.


the fact that most of the people discarded the word "Illegal" makes me really fucking sick

not illegals
  • Like 1
Posted (edited)


You fucking posted something from a News company. Are you serious? ROFL, go back to the russian forums, this really isn't a place for you. Do you really think News companies report only, and nothing but the truth? Show me 1 news company that does that.


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The media, only exists to manipulate, and if you can't see past that, you're a really dense Russian.

Edited by Milorad
  • Like 1

Damn guys in what world do you live ...


Ofc trump said things that sound really dangerous to all of us but that doesn't mean he is gonna do everything he said. That's politics . Don't forget he is a freaking populist , nativist and new to the scene , so once he becomes president he will have to deal with the reality and stop talking out of his mind just for votes .


You really think Trump wants to start WW3 ??? LMAOOOO


Go read some more about politics because not everything happens that easily especially now that the economies of us and eu are exposed .


Its almost 2017 not 2001 wake up.

  • Like 2
Posted (edited)

Yeah i would also vote someone who thinks that he can decide whos a good person and whos not.


GOD some people here rofl...


I feel like some people here are one of these guys who are running across the street and yelling "lying press!!!


Sad, just sad but however it doesnt matter who won, you will see how much shit will happen.


Trump is not that bad ? K i guess there is no reason to discuss because there are a tons of recording, scandals etc.

But hey, everyone is lying :).


Get your facts together if you have some ... calling the press liar etc is just an sad excuse to create the most hilarious theorys about everything. WTC, Osama etc and the list goes on.


Worst thing is ppl calling trump a "not so bad" person. Not gonna even discuss about that since this ppl are actually not worth it. About whos worse, hilary or trump is another question. Hilary wants war and trump will get it sooner or later if he acts like he did in the past so it doesnt really matter.


You are right, its 2017 and sad that some people didnt learn fron the past ...

Edited by Noneedholy
  • Game Masters

Ofc trump said things that sound really dangerous to all of us but that doesn't mean he is gonna do everything he said. That's politics . Don't forget he is a freaking populist , nativist and new to the scene , so once he becomes president he will have to deal with the reality and stop talking out of his mind just for votes .


βλ. Αλέξης Τσίπρας. Δεν ξέρουν τι εστι κολοτούμπα...


Just ask yourself why most of the media fighting Trump and soon or late you will understand.

Funny how a lot of women voted and cheered that man after all the shit he said about women and how a lot of immigrants voted him after the racist comments he did and the border he wants to do..


Idk if they voted without thinking or felt so powerless that they end up voting for voting.



That doesn't change the fact that Trump was intelligent by focusing on the central states of the US. (Because normally politics pay more attention and think the coast is more important)


you'd be surprised. the republicans usually take the central states.


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funny how you quoted CNN because that's generally the most biased news network towards hillary clinton in the world, alternative name was Clinton News Network.

You guys are all acting like Trump's the worst thing that could fucking happen. You forget the old adage that actions speak louder than words. Trump hasn't done anything yet so you need to wait and see. History judges a man based on both word AND deed, not by word alone. Those of you from Europe should remember that as both of history's most devastating global conflicts started in Europe, although the case could be made that Japan got the jump on it in 1931. Call me what you will, but studying world history is a passion of mine, and I for one will let history judge Trump's presidency long before I will.
Posted (edited)
You guys are all acting like Trump's the worst thing that could fucking happen. You forget the old adage that actions speak louder than words. Trump hasn't done anything yet so you need to wait and see. History judges a man based on both word AND deed, not by word alone. Those of you from Europe should remember that as both of history's most devastating global conflicts started in Europe, although the case could be made that Japan got the jump on it in 1931. Call me what you will, but studying world history is a passion of mine, and I for one will let history judge Trump's presidency long before I will.


That would surprise me and he would be probably the first racist fuck i like.


But i doubt it. What do you expect from a president who make jokes about retarded people lol ... I'd like him to prove me wrong but yeah i highly doubt it. If he had a brain he would know that people place everything he says on the gold level. So im pretty sure his racist & stupid utterances were said as he meant it. Besides all the scandals and publications from what he has done

Edited by Noneedholy
When you think Trump is bad, just remember there were worse presidents in US and we dont even know what kind of president he will be... not for now...
Trump will grab by the pussy all the ladies


He will make you build his wall too.


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  • Like 1
wtf this vid


It's the Home Alone movie, surely you know it (awesome childhood movie), Trump starred in it.

Товарищ Трамп победил, ура, пойдемте выпьем водки и потанцуем с медведем под звуки балалайки
Товарищ Трамп победил, ура, пойдемте выпьем водки и потанцуем с медведем под звуки балалайки


russian in english section



Товарищ Трамп победил, ура, пойдемте выпьем водки и потанцуем с медведем под звуки балалайки



what the fuck?


what the fuck?


"lets go have a drink of vodka" "A DRINK" "A DRINK = 1 DRINK" russians would drink only 1 vodka? Said no russian ever.

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