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At least she's a politician with experience and knows what she's doing, and i'm pretty sure she's not corrupt. Anyways Trump has spread the hate to any immigrant, not only illegal ones, same with LGBTQ and coloured people.


Corrupt or not.


Both of them criminals.

america destroyed itself, the corrupt DNC totally fucked itself over by fucking with the election and choosing Hillary instead of Bernie Sanders, Bernie Sanders would be a great President and he would've won in a landslide. end of discussion
Posted (edited)

Reading your retarded comments has seriously made me lose all faith in democracy. NON OF YOU deserve a vote. You are all uninformed, media-brainwashed retards.


Trump is Jew owned, just like Hollary was - but how the fuck could anyone say Hillary was better than Trump in any regard?


Someone at the start of the thread said "Safety". Seriously lol!! Hillary Clinton more safe than Trump!?


You realise she invaded the entire Middle East from Lebanon, to Eygpt, to Libya or Syria ect. And was endlessly talking shit about attacking Russia??


I guess you also missed the whole Bengazi scandal. Also the fact, that not only is she responsible for the displacement of millions of Arabs, and their mass invasions into Europe, she was also found guilty of leaking top classified government documents on her secret servers. How many documents? Nobody knows...


Hillary could've literally leaked EVERYTHING - even the nuclear codes for all we know! She covered it all up, so we have no idea exactly how many, or what it was she that she took.


Honestly, it never ceases to amaze me how fucking stupid and ignorant some people are.


Trump despite being a puppet, will hopefully soon be the rebirth of white nationalism. It's time we take our countries back - so grow a pair of balls already you bunch of bitches!


- - - Updated - - -


P.s - anyone thinking Bernie or Hillary were better than Trump are literally so retarded, that you wouldn't even be allowed into the special olympics because you are too much of a spastic.


Bernie was a communistic prick who wanted to raise the minimum wage to some stupid, impossible figure. He pandered to blacks and all minorities like a little bitch, and this showed when those Black Lives mater bitches hijacked his speech, and he did nothing to stop it, because he was such a bitch.


Then in turns of Clinton, she has literally one of the worst records in history as the Secretary of State - she has done nothing but spent 8 years whoring herself out to the Saudis, cause endless Wars, invaded Europe with non-Whites, and hounded her husbands mistresses so much, that some wanted to commit suicide!

Edited by Bapss
Posted (edited)
Reading your retarded comments has seriously made me lose all faith in democracy. NON OF YOU deserve a vote. You are all uninformed, media-brainwashed retards.


Trump is Jew owned, just like Hollary was - but how the fuck could anyone say Hillary was better than Trump in any regard?


Someone at the start of the thread said "Safety". Seriously lol!! Hillary Clinton more safe than Trump!?


You realise she invaded the entire Middle East from Lebanon, to Eygpt, to Libya or Syria ect. And was endlessly talking shit about attacking Russia??


I guess you also missed the whole Bengazi scandal. Also the fact, that not only is she responsible for the displacement of millions of Arabs, and their mass invasions into Europe, she was also found guilty of leaking top classified government documents on her secret servers. How many documents? Nobody knows...


Hillary could've literally leaked EVERYTHING - even the nuclear codes for all we know! She covered it all up, so we have no idea exactly how many, or what it was she that she took.


Honestly, it never ceases to amaze me how fucking stupid and ignorant some people are.


Trump despite being a puppet, will hopefully soon be the rebirth of white nationalism. It's time we take our countries back - so grow a pair of balls already you bunch of bitches!


- - - Updated - - -


P.s - anyone thinking Bernie or Hillary were better than Trump are literally so retarded, that you wouldn't even be allowed into the special olympics because you are too much of a spastic.


Bernie was a communistic prick who wanted to raise the minimum wage to some stupid, impossible figure. He pandered to blacks and all minorities like a little bitch, and this showed when those Black Lives mater bitches hijacked his speech, and he did nothing to stop it, because he was such a bitch.


Then in turns of Clinton, she has literally one of the worst records in history as the Secretary of State - she has done nothing but spent 8 years whoring herself out to the Saudis, cause endless Wars, invaded Europe with non-Whites, and hounded her husbands mistresses so much, that some wanted to commit suicide!


TL;DR lol


anyway, hex is fixed

Edited by Repitchx
TL;DR lol


anyway, hex is fixed


S'all good, but I'm pushing R1 on my compliance figures at work atm, since I get commission on how much money I recover. Might log on weekends though.


Really surprised btw about people on this thread.. How the fuck anyone would choose Hilary over Trump is a mystery to me. There is literally not a single good thing about that woman - she is a psychopath (personally I think she was meant to lose from day 1 also and that Trump was picked to win).



Never the less, even if Trump is just a puppet, most of what he says is actually EXTREMELY accurate lol. So even if he doesn't actually do anything, he has already shifted the window of discourse cataclysmicly over towards nationalism+traditionalism.


If Trump wasn't elected, I don't think America could've survived another another 4 years of an Obama or Hillary administration, without having a race war. I think with the demographics of America, it will inevitably split eventually into the Confederate States of America, and the Northen/united ones.


Trump is already supporting Brexit, insisting that he will help the UK leave the Anti-European, Undemocratic, Authoritarian, and Genocidal political system known as the EU.


His pledge to stop immigration is a blessing to America - one that all other European countries should follow.


His pledge to stop TPP and all the good jobs being shipped abroad is a good one - that all other European ones should follow.


So far he's lining up to be a great president (in comparison to the other candidates and the last 2 presidents anyway). Just being in power and talking about anti-globalism, pro-white nationalism is enough... People are waking up!

anyway, hex is fixed


I only started playing again tonight because of you saying this.. AND YOU FUCKING LIED TO ME MAN!!!!


Can't explain how betrayed i feel.... :cry:

I only started playing again tonight because of you saying this.. AND YOU FUCKING LIED TO ME MAN!!!!


Can't explain how betrayed i feel.... :cry:


ye f***ing shit man... they forgot to apply it to cross server...


like most bug fixes :(



like its fixed, but they havent applied it to cross yet. it works in open world.


rip :(


actually didnt know lol

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