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PQR Abuser.

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Warden isn't a program Game Masters have. Lol. Just search it up on ownedcore or something, a taco there will help you hopefully.


im not saying if they have warden, im saying maybe they can change something in the server to make the bot not working here.



btw, you just show how ignorant you are saying taco to someone that is from spain, which is fun because shows how retarded are u about world knowledge haha

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That pqr is so obvious. Cancer warrior.


I went against him as well and he was constantly on me, and he did 0.1 sec kicks every time with or without me having souls rofl...


Maybe it was even 0.0 Because it was quite challenging to cast.


I will do 2v2 again and i will upload it if i face him again.

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im not saying if they have warden, im saying maybe they can change something in the server to make the bot not working here.



btw, you just show how ignorant you are saying taco to someone that is from spain, which is fun because shows how retarded are u about world knowledge haha



theres hardly any server that has "bot" detecter.


btw, you just show how ignorant you are not saying taco to someone that is from spain, which is fun because it shows how tacolicious you are about world knowledge haha.

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theres hardly any server that has "bot" detecter.


btw, you just show how ignorant you are not saying taco to someone that is from spain, which is fun because it shows how tacolicious you are about world knowledge haha.


not bot detector, changing something in the server to make the bot not working here, trying to make it incopatible idk

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  • 2 weeks later...
not bot detector, changing something in the server to make the bot not working here, trying to make it incopatible idk


that will never happen if they intend to do that they should've changed it at the beginning of the server release bcs if they change anything now they might fuck everything up and break the system beside that the bot will always work because it will only cost u 5m to find the server filter if u know what u're doing

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