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@Neff ))

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1. Chàinzrøw

2. Fun realm

3." 1.8. Nickname, containing alt-code."

4. http://i.imgur.com/tHpJ1mU.jpg

5. Extra :

Criteria for Bans and Mutes:


Criteria for Bans:


1) Suspension 30 days for:

1.1. The use/spread of third party programs.

1.2. Cheat in raid: one or more players in a group/raid use cheats (all players in the raid will be banned).

1.3. Bug abuse: abuse a bug existing in the game to provide yourself an advantage over others.

1.4. Spread or selling bugs.

1.5. Bug abuse in raid: one or more players in a group/raid abuse bugs (all players in the raid will be banned).

1.6. Insulting administration/server/project.

1.7. Impersonating a staff member.

1.7.1. The use nicknames/guild names/pet names similar to those used by administration of the project.

1.7.2. The use words "Bonus", ""Admin", "Message" and so on in charakter's name/guild's name/pet's name.

1.7.3. The using names of web site of project/server/their elements in charakter's name/guild's name/pet's name.

1.7.4. The using GM badges (Blizz).

1.8. Nickname, containing alt-code.




go ban him 30 days neff or you corrupt?????? @Zeox

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