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Glyph of Omens


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1. Name of not working spell/quest/npc etc.


Glyph of Omens / ID: 163


2. Description of the problem.


"While you are not in an Eclipse, the following abilities now grant 10 Solar or Lunar Energy: Entangling Roots, Cyclone, Faerie Fire, Faerie Swarm, Mass Entanglement, Typhoon, Disorienting Roar, Ursol's Vortex, and Mighty Bash"


With the glyph on, when you're not in an Eclipse, NONE of those abilities above grant you 10 solar or lunar energy.


3.How it must work.


When you put the glyph on, when you're not in an eclipse and whenever you use any ability written above, you should be granted with 10 lunar or solar energy.



[spoiler=Eclipse system explained for dummies]

Whenever you enter Solar Eclipse, Wrath and Starsurge will decrease your Solar Eclipse by 15 each time you cast / proc them.


Whenever you enter Lunar Eclipse, Starsurge and Starfire will decrease your Solar Eclipse by 15 per cast / proc.


When you reach 0, Starfire, Starsurge and Wrath will grant you 30 Eclipse per cast / proc.


The Glyph of Omens should grant 10 LUNAR Eclipse only when after you quit Solar Eclipse, and should grant 10 SOLAR Eclipse only when you quit Lunar Eclipse. The logic behind is not to enter the same eclipse two times in a row.




4.Date when you tested it.


29/12/2016 (DD/MM/YYYY)


5.Realm (x100/x5/Fun)


xFun / xCross


6.Priority of the problem. (1-10)



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