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Execution sentence interaction


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1. Name of not working spell: Interaction between http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=108978/alter-time and http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=213757/execution-sentence

2. Description of the problem: I don't really know how to word it so I'll just try to explain what's happening in the videos

1. Paladin uses execution sentence on a mage

2. Mage alter times with less than 6s of ES left

3. Final tick from ES triggers while mage is in alter time

4. Mage leaves alter time

5. ES goes back to the starting damage / healing (for example we start at 2k, mage alters when ES reaches 4k - ES should go back to 4k once mage leaves alter, but it goes back to 2k (seen in the animation too ))

6. Final burst of healing / damage doesn't trigger from ES (because of the bug)

3.How it must work: The spell's damage / healing increses over time so if you altered with 3s left of ES it shouldn't go back to starting damage once you leave alter time. It should continue ticking from the point where you left it before alter and trigger the final burst (which doesn't happen at all rn)

4.Date when you tested it: 2017.01.01

5.Realm: Fun, but will be obviously bugged in cross too

6.Priority of the problem. 5/10


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FQSpwXX1Vmg - Holy using for healing

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FSweDzMv-ts - Ret using for damage


P.S: Tested similar spells like http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=44457/living-bomb and http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=112948/frost-bomb and their interaction with Alter time works perfectly fine.

Edited by Lefap
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