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Solar beam


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Spell: http://db.pandawow.me/?spell=78675


Issue: Trinket cancel the silence effect

You can kik cast with beam (not rly sure about this)


What should happen:

Trinket can cancel root but not the silence effect


-> 3:11 you can see beam debuff and he still have trinket

3:12 he trinket and still silence debuff until he get out

Pwow :

-> trinket and cast in the solar beam
like 0' date='5 sec[/quote']


0.5 sec in the laggiest realm ever made by humanity? Don't make me count how many times i've got still CC'ed even tho my silence went in cd.



"You can kik cast with beam (not rly sure about this)"


That is normal, some kicks are melee, like Rebuke from paladins. It works like Paralysis, monks can sap you when they're silenced, that is normal cuz it's melee and not a spell from magic school?

Posted (edited)
For kick cast i mean interruption ( preventing the target from casting any spell from the same school as the interrupted spell for a number of seconds) even if you go out of the solar beam. In my memories it was only until wod. Edited by zermatti
Posted (edited)

You can lock people with beam, on live and Pandawow, I've actually told people I faked beam / got locked by beam a lot during season s14 + s15


And of course you can trinket beam and for 0.1 seconds afterwards cast a spell, if you couldn't it'd be stupid and some healers would die in literally the opener (every) time

Your trinket gives you a buff for 0.1 seconds, which makes you immune to everything, kind of like a bubble. It's the same as Mage blink, if you blink and get stunned exactly at the same time as you arrive at the destination you just blinked to, you won't even be on stun DR because it's as if you just stunned into a bubble, it's the same with will of the forsaken too, you get a super short buff for 0.1 seconds which makes you immune to fears, if you willed or trinketed too quickly your spell would not even go on DR (not recommended), but that's the way it works 100%

Edited by akuyama
  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...
If you trinket you should have time (like 0' date='5 sec) to do something. Beam will just reapply the silence after[/quote']

its still true, but more like 0.3 sec (was on live)

Posted (edited)
Well, he did show proof, though


shamy trinket roots and when out radius solar beam = no silence effect in debuffs, after rogue use garrote


p.s. or on pandawow bug?

Edited by Veynnzy
shamy trinket roots and when out radius solar beam = no silence effect in debuffs, after rogue use garrote


p.s. or on pandawow bug?


Look closely, it doesn't get removed. Just look at the buff and his trinket. I doubt it's even 0.3 if it gets removed by trinket. Would be more like 0.1-0.2 probably, lol.


- - - Updated - - -


He doesn't get garroted until after beam.


I spam clicked the play/pause button and I can't see it getting removed at all.

it is ...gl finding out if its 0,2 or 0,3 xD


Yeah.. doesn't matter. Will be impossible to find proof as you said. Should just put it for 0.2 or 0.3 and see where it goes. Atm it's BS though. Trinket and completely immune to Beam.

Yeah.. doesn't matter. Will be impossible to find proof as you said. Should just put it for 0.2 or 0.3 and see where it goes. Atm it's BS though. Trinket and completely immune to Beam.


You'll be surprised what I can do. http://i.imgur.com/Q93XQgq.jpg

  • 3 weeks later...
Posted (edited)


Not fixed. Now you can't trinket it at all anymore ... you need to have 0,2 - 0,3 seconds where you can do stuff like pressing guardian or something :


Edited by Noneedholy
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