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Closing Threads without reading them!

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So admins here are closing threads without even reading them, good to know. Example is our friend here DeadMouse who closed my Windfury! thread with explanation "Double. But fixed." EVEN THO ITS NOT FIXED!


1. Name of spell - Windfury

2. Tested - 1/12/2017

3. Description of the problem - Windfury not working on 2H (TWO HAND) weapons

4. Realm - x100

5. Example - It should proc on 2h weapons


Like i said its not working on TWO-HAND WEAPONS, TWO HAND, 2H, is that so hard to understand?? People like this should be punished for not reading or simply not understanding english, give that job to someone who can actually do it. I'm also posting a pic of a recount as a proof.



And how do you know that? Moderator should make it clear and say "yes we fixed it wait for the fix to be applied", english aint that hard HELLO?


You're delusional, look at Deadmouse's answer you deported carrot.

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