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lava lash dmg increase


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1.when you have http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=160098/flametongue-weapon on main hand weapon,your http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=65974/lava-lash (it's old lava lash link) gets 40% damage increase

2. http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=65974/lava-lash should have 40% damage increase only if http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=160098/flametongue-weapon is on off-hand

3.all realms(also cross)

4. idk,maybe 5-6/10


link of lava lash tooltip(i cant find link for it) http://imgur.com/a/5eIXp

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whats the difference? if you have it on your main hand or off hand... still will do the same?



it should have 40% dmg increase only on offhand,i saw some enh shaman from x100 which used flametongue on main hand and windfury on offhand and he had 24/7 windfury lol ,also i tested flametongue on main hand ,and i did 170k lava lash...idk how,usually i do 105k with normal rotation and flametongue on off-hand(ofc i check my procs when i tested it).also imagine some random goblin shaman comes with wrong imbues and crits 150k's ..it would be retarded,thats why i reported it,not because its r1 gamebreaking bug :D

Edited by gucci
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  • Developers
This is fucking unbelievable, what the fuck is the devs doing???? This was already goddamn fixed, like what the actual hell, jesus christ whats your development skills? Putting sticks up the air and wishing it to light by itself??





For fucks sake..

First thread:

How it should work - Windfury weapon on main hand should do main hand damage, and flametongue weapon on off hand should provide lava lash the 40% extra damage for being on off hand.

It works fine right now.

Second thread:

Description of the problem: Once you've imbued your main hand with Windfury, it doesn't proc at all - Doesn't work if you've imbued Windfury main hand.


How it must work: It should proc in main hand and off hand, doesn't matter which.

I don't see there anything about a bug with flametongue.


Current thread about another bug, that flametongue on main hand provides bonus damage for lava lash aswell as on off hand. No one report it untill now. So, devs didn't anything wrong.

And actually, priority of this issue is 1/10. No one will use windfury on off hand, because it will deal 50% less damage (penalty for off hand melee damage). While flametongue on main hand doesn't gives any benefits compared to off hand flametongue.

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First thread:


It works fine right now.

Second thread:


I don't see there anything about a bug with flametongue.


Current thread about another bug, that flametongue on main hand provides bonus damage for lava lash aswell as on off hand. No one report it untill now. So, devs didn't anything wrong.

And actually, priority of this issue is 1/10. No one will use windfury on off hand, because it will deal 50% less damage (penalty for off hand melee damage). While flametongue on main hand doesn't gives any benefits compared to off hand flametongue.


Neff,I don't know if it's possible to exploit that,but are you really sure that it's not buggy?I see some enhancement shamans abusing that bug and deal insane dmg.Many shamans use this way of imbues:




http://imgur.com/a/YKhLr (just example from random shamans)


I know this is wrong way of imbue,but they still do insane dmg,that's why I ask you if they exploit something or it's maybe bug,because they do insane dmg with wrong imbues

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