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All day bugeando characters with that flag, I ask for urgent ban.

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1. Palatinus

2. Divercion - Fun

3. Place a flag in the place where the player is, and leaves him unable to interact or move, it is up to one to restore character from the page.

4. http://prntscr.com/e2cl9m

5. I ask for an urgent sanction as this affects the gameplay of the whole server.

In my defense its implemented in the game, ive seen other people do it. It's hilarious youre so butthurt about something like this. Also i dont see HOW this affects the WHOLE server as you say. How many braincells do you even have?
In Palatinus's defense he does it to everyone and you can unstick yourself easily. I saw you yourself Unstick yourself multiple times. Reporting him for having fun is like reporting someone for playing a certain class. Pointless~
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