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Stormlash Totem


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1. Stormlash Totem http://prnt.sc/e5vsoa

2. Doesn't do anything. http://prnt.sc/e5vs6i

3. Should do damage on damaging spells/abilities/autoattacks

4. 2/8/2017

5. Fun/x100

6. Priority of the bug: 6-7/10 Really crucial burst spell.




http://prntscr.com/e5vtff - This is the general idea behind how Stormlash Totem should work. This is a quote from Ghostcrawler back when MoP was still in beta.

http://prntscr.com/e5vtov - The spell went through some hotfixes aswell, changing the proc chance + damage.

This might not be enough proof to get the spell fixed, but there isn't any data around the spell damage besides the quote from Ghostcrawler.

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It procs, but just off of some spells.


Doesn't proc at all on auto attacks.


I read somewhere it's proc "cd" should be 0.1s or something. Gonna take ages to find it again.

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