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Glyph of Demon Hunting


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1. http://wowwiki.wikia.com/wiki/Glyph_of_Demon_Training


2. The "IMP" & "SUCCUBUS" part are broken and do not work, the "IMP" does not put Firebolt into 3 bursts nor does it reduce its cast time by 50%.

Secondly the Succubus's part is broken as well, as it is not removing ALL "DOT" effects from the target.


3. The imps cast time on Firebolt should be reduced by 50% and be split into 3 bolts & the Succubus should be removing all DOT effects from the target after using http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=115268/mesmerize


4. 05/04/2017


5. X100 / Fun


6. 4/10


Oh sorry about that title I mixed the spells around by mistake.




About the IMP part it says " He literally sits there and waits to have enough energy to cast 3 times which is a freaking long time and then does it all at once. "


That was directed about affliction, but I am sure it is the same concept for demonology.

Edited by Cogman
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how is it going?


It's going like this on QA:





Imp only shoots twice





It's not energy "starving" at all (keep in mind it is not supposed to go below 40 ever). It doesn't go below 125 energy on QA right now.



Edited by Autschbatsch
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