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Abusing SoO spells outside of the raid

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This shaman was expelled from the raid, because he did not drop bombs. This was not the deliberate action of the shaman to harm other players.
  \ said:
This shaman was expelled from the raid' date=' because he did not drop bombs. This was not the deliberate action of the shaman to harm other players.[/quote']

Oh running to my character dropping them and running off is not deliberate no? if it was not deliberate he would have ran where there are 0 targets and dropped them


Precise how do we know he is not abusing this in any other way, shape or form?


In this case, you will need reliable evidence of your words, and not a screenshot of the dead shaman.

The shaman would not have died if he had dropped bombs. Is this logical? Apparently, he did not know what it was, and just exploded.

In this case, you will need reliable evidence of your words, and not a screenshot of the dead shaman.

The shaman would not have died if he had dropped bombs. Is this logical? Apparently, he did not know what it was, and just exploded.

Get of my thread you're legit retarded


You dont see those bombs on the bottom left hand of the screen near my chat box?


You cant read the combat log?/


You cant put 2 and 2 together and use your brain???


Get of my thread it wouldnt surprise me if this shaman is you.

  Cogman said:
Get of my thread you're legit retarded


You dont see those bombs on the bottom left hand of the screen near my chat box?


You cant read the combat log?/


You cant put 2 and 2 together and use your brain???


Get of my thread it wouldnt surprise me if this shaman is you.


5 bombs. This negates your theory of spellbook bug.

You yourself flew into these bombs.

The shaman with these bombs appeared on respawn not specifically, he was kicked out.

These are unintentional actions.

After the kick from the instant of buff with these bombs should not be, you should address here the court: http://forum.pandawow.ru/forumdisplay.php?f=203

5 bombs. This negates your theory of spellbook bug.

You yourself flew into these bombs.

The shaman with these bombs appeared on respawn not specifically, he was kicked out.

These are unintentional actions.

After the kick from the instant of buff with these bombs should not be, you should address here the court: http://forum.pandawow.ru/forumdisplay.php?f=203

LOL you're definetly the shaman


LOOK you do not SPAWN right outside the tunnel you spawn at the back....


I was stood here for 10 minutes I did not fly in to those bombs..... idiot


he was kicked out.

Kicked out along with 9 other people yes??


These are unintentional actions.

Running to a player knowing he has those bombs is unintentional yes? Pfft dont kid yourself


Get off my report and trying to justify yourself & wait for an answer from a HGM/GM


- - - Updated - - -


  \ said:
Poor Cockman' date=' you are pretty blind .[/quote']

Blind to what?

Bombs from Spoils of Pandaria is like the buff from Garrosh, BUT SoP doesn't give u any stat. I think they saw the shaman went afk then they kicked him before he wipe them. As I've mentioned before you are pretty blind ;)
  \ said:
Bombs from Spoils of Pandaria is like the buff from Garrosh' date=' BUT SoP doesn't give u any stat. I think they saw the shaman went afk then they kicked him before he wipe them.[/quote']

Even if that is true, he still intentionally ran to my character and placed bombs and then tried to run off.


As I've mentioned before you are pretty blind

Nice 25 mans.. kek

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Set to Blow
Throws a pack of highly volatile bombs on the back of players. After 15 sec, these bombs will detonate, inflicting 200000 Fire damage per remaning stack to all players within 9 yards.

Players may use Throw Bomb to remove one of these bombs, dropping it on the ground instead. Bombs on the ground will detonate, inflicting 200000 Fire damage to anyone within 9 yards when any player enters their close proximity or after 30 sec.

The explosion from any of these bombs can chain to nearby ground bombs.