Голубойтигр Posted April 21, 2017 Posted April 21, 2017 1. http://db.pandawow.me/?spell=108415 & http://db.pandawow.me/?spell=605 2. Когда чернокнижник попадает под действие http://db.pandawow.me/?spell=605 бафф http://db.pandawow.me/?spell=108415 не спадает 3. http://db.pandawow.me/?spell=108415 должен спадать, чтобы снова получить эффект http://db.pandawow.me/?spell=108415 нужно перепризвать питомца. Так же должна быть некоторая вероятность, что вы потеряете над питомцем контроль и не сможете использовать его способности, это важно! 4. [spoiler=Battle.net forum threads] "With Mind Control a new pet has to be summoned." - https://eu.battle.net/forums/en/wow/...6610660?page=2 "At first I thought this was gonna be about how it removed soul link from locks" - https://us.battle.net/forums/en/wow/topic/17260507309 Can we please fix the bug where after a Dominate Mind, I can't see the CD on my pet's Spell Lock? If I remember correctly, I can't even use its Spell Lock until I resummon it as well. - https://us.battle.net/forums/en/wow/topic/12405420446 "hello everybody! this is a bug or normal? if its a bug gonna be fixed? when i got mind control by priests, command demon doesn't work and soul link doesn't work aswell.. this force me to summon another pet in middle of arena with pet alive, while im dying 20% faster.. please answer" - https://eu.battle.net/forums/en/wow/topic/9938423769 read more of it here: https://us.battle.net/forums/en/wow/topic/14610681432 All players used this on retail. Even on the blizzcon. And the wallirik took 1st and 2nd place in the ladder. Blizzard did nothing and did not pay attention to it. So they did not consider this a bug, but considered a game mechanics. Окей, видео с World of Warcraft World Championship: Europe -> 1:06:18 (на случай если тайминг слетел). Какая разница, нравилось им это или нет, если это было в течении всего патча и никто это не трогал. Не важно, что там стало с выходом дренора и последующих патчей. Если это было - значит это работало верно, это же не убирали в каком-то фиксе и уж тем более в каком-то хотфиксе, если на это были жалобы. 5. 50/10 Близзарды не считали это багом, а считали это игровой механикой и ничего не меняли Ты абсолютно прав. Когда жрец захватывает разум чернокнижника тот теряет ментальную и физическую связь с демоном и вынужден вновь обратиться к темной магии, чтобы призвать нового прислужника из глубин ада. Это игровая механика. 1
Boomydroo Posted April 21, 2017 Posted April 21, 2017 эммм ? в чем смысл , ты сделал дубль темы с которой сам кинул ответ Зеокса где было четко сказано "Отказ" . http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=203894&page=3
Repitchx Posted April 25, 2017 Posted April 25, 2017 No retail bugs. This includes Veynnzy's report as well.
Голубойтигр Posted April 25, 2017 Author Posted April 25, 2017 No retail bugs. This includes Veynnzy's report as well. Conversion 'trick' is fixed atm in spite of Zeox words that we won't apply blizzlike bugs
behindqq Posted April 26, 2017 Posted April 26, 2017 Conversion 'trick' is fixed atm in spite of Zeox words that we won't apply blizzlike bugs Ah, yeah, this way the bug with the Hunter's sac doesn't count as bug any longer. Do they really think that if a bug is over complicated and had place to be on the retail it shouldn't be fixed? Neither a bug shouldn't exist here if it had place to be on the retail? Nice contradiction. A bug is complicated and hadn't been fixed on the retail - we won't fixed it either. A bug is complicated and doesn't exist here, but existed on the retail - we won't reproduce it. That logic worth some respect.(Actually not, it's ridiculous)
Голубойтигр Posted April 26, 2017 Author Posted April 26, 2017 (edited) Ah, yeah, this way the bug with the Hunter's sac doesn't count as bug any longer. Do they really think that if a bug is over complicated and had place to be on the retail it shouldn't be fixed? Neither a bug shouldn't exist here if it had place to be on the retail? Nice contradiction. A bug is complicated and hadn't been fixed on the retail - we won't fixed it either. A bug is complicated and doesn't exist here, but existed on the retail - we won't reproduce it. That logic worth some respect.(Actually not, it's ridiculous) Deadmouse told me that we have to differentiate "blizzlike bug" and "blizzlike trick" conceptions. And yeah, double conversion is a trick (in this case I agree with him because you was able to use this trick for the whole duration of pandaria). However I hope that he won't consider Soul Swap exploit as a trick as well as the point of this thread which were discovered in the middle of S15. Edited April 26, 2017 by Голубойтигр
Repitchx Posted April 26, 2017 Posted April 26, 2017 Having Soul Swap reset the duration of Your dots would be Beyond retarded. Affliction is already t1 and has always been as far as I can remember. There is literally no reason to make rsham Lock even more broken. Rsham Lock is the most disgusting thing ever and it requires 0 skill to play. Do nothing and win.
Голубойтигр Posted April 26, 2017 Author Posted April 26, 2017 Having Soul Swap reset the duration of Your dots would be Beyond retarded. Affliction is already t1 and has always been as far as I can remember. There is literally no reason to make rsham Lock even more broken. Rsham Lock is the most disgusting thing ever and it requires 0 skill to play. Do nothing and win. Ye, it's just like infinite Dark Soul
behindqq Posted April 26, 2017 Posted April 26, 2017 Deadmouse told me that we have to differentiate "blizzlike bug" and "blizzlike trick" conceptions. And yeah, double conversion is a trick (in this case I agree with him because you was able to use this trick for the whole duration of pandaria). However I hope that he won't consider Soul Swap exploit as a trick as well as the point of this thread which were discovered in the middle of S15. Ну да, он , типа, так "выкрутился". Но на деле - это все ровно баги. под триксами можно понимать такие аспекты механики, как например переключение персонажа в режим хотьбы во время действия мк, вот это - трюк. А если у тебя механика разница с лайвом - это баг. Если они намериваются носить тайтл "Близзлайк", то уж извольте копировать полностью, и не дополнять "своими фиксами" или "своей трактовкой механики касательн Фич, имевших место быть на лайве". Весьма по-детски накосячить, и говорить, что так и было задумано. врядли это реализуют, а если реализуют - то криво, например можно будет скидывать с дестриков ауру гримуара, или у демонов петов вводить в недееспособное состояние, и т.п. Все это чревато еще большими багами.
Administrators DeadMouse Posted May 15, 2017 Administrators Posted May 15, 2017 Ну да' date=' он , типа, так "выкрутился".[/quote'] Не стоит говорить о том, чего не понимаете. Конверсия всего-лишь не должна сбрасывать таймер периодических тиков. Если там и есть что-то баганное, то это только с клиент сайда. Отклонено. Это явный пример бага офы. Как уже говорил Зеокс, применять мы это не будем.
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