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name: Адмиралхх

realm: fun

description: first my lock (machmollo) spectated a game where this guy was alone there waiting for something (first print). few mins later we que and we get him, he /afk when he sees its not his que (video)

proof: http://i.imgur.com/ky6s1EN.jpg / https://vid.me/hqUG / he is already 3k in less than 2 hours LOL http://imgur.com/a/FgyG7

comments: he was reported a few days ago here: http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=217512, but was declined for some reason...


set video quality to hd

Edited by vegar
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name: Адмиралхх

realm: fun

description: first my lock (machmollo) spectated a game where this guy was alone there waiting for something (first print). few mins later we que and we get him, he /afk when he sees its not his que (video)

proof: http://i.imgur.com/ky6s1EN.jpg / https://vid.me/hqUG

comments: he was reported a few days ago here: http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=217512, but was declined for some reason...


set video quality to hd


he's waiting puchqia XD or maybe the gm dont care about wintrades ^_^

Edited by Funk シ
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