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Nightfall PPM


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But what does that matter will you say. Well' date=' listen to be, darling, it matters quite a lot, as you had weird bugs as well. I suggest you stop defending your boyfriend Veynzzy, because it seems l ike that is what the russian community is all about, crying about reports that nerfs their class, crying that it's fake, crying that people want their class to be OP...[/quote']



loooool , when you broke warr and dk's , you only laughed at that

when 20% of ice lance dmg broke , you with your boyfrend 'noneed' start crying like a little bitches


so shut up and stop making false reports

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Look at your video


Look at mine:


and? last change was in september 2013 http://wow.gamepedia.com/Nightfall_(warlock_ability)


Just because you find 1 video where something bugs out


2:22 - 3:14

8 procs per 52 sec


8:00 - 8:35

6 procs


0:44 - 1:44

10 procs


But what does that matter will you say. Well' date=' listen to be, darling, it matters quite a lot, as you had weird bugs as well. I suggest you stop defending your boyfriend Veynzzy, because it seems l ike that is what the russian community is all about, crying about reports that nerfs their class, crying that it's fake, crying that people want their class to be OP...[/quote']



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and? last change was in september 2013 http://wow.gamepedia.com/Nightfall_(warlock_ability)




2:22 - 3:14

8 procs per 52 sec


8:00 - 8:35

6 procs


0:44 - 1:44

10 procs






"september 2013"


heard of stealth nerfs before? nice


Stop with your useless nonsense. You don't have an argument at all.




"Blizz strikes again with the stealth nerfs."


What will you say now?


You're kinda cute, can I get your number as well?




пристрастный человек

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Warrior was still fine lol warrior farmed the shit out of lsd before just lool whats happening now warrior/dk stomping everything even doe that was not even played on retail because it was so bad.

Warrior dmg is beyond retarded again it may have been a false report but it was a try to fix it like it should be blizzlike.

If you think hes only reporting bugs for classes he wants nerfed sure just think so even doe every bug report regarding dmg abuse, sheep healing, frost nova, shroom, monk bubble, shadow word pain ect are either from repitch or he bumped them until they got fixed.

Just some of the probably 100 legit reports he made :)

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and? last change was in september 2013 http://wow.gamepedia.com/Nightfall_(warlock_ability)




2:22 - 3:14

8 procs per 52 sec


8:00 - 8:35

6 procs


0:44 - 1:44

10 procs






Hey baby, http://wowwiki.wikia.com/wiki/Nerf




"A "stealth nerf" refers to a change that was not announced by the developers, and was discovered (much to the dismay of the hapless victims) by the players themselves without any advance warning. Players tend to be especially frustrated with stealth nerfs, for obvious reasons."


But I guess you didn't know that, right? You're on Veynzzy's side, nothing new.




Before you comment, READ WHAT I SAID


[spoiler=proof that old videos are invalid]Feburary 7th - Freezing Trap is 2 seconds https://youtu.be/0rWJwMwbRnY?t=620


September 4th - Freezing Trap is 1 second


"Bc icon/Wrath-Logo-Small Patch 3.0.2 (14-Oct-2008): The arming time has been reduced to 1 second, from 2 seconds for all traps"


- http://wowwiki.wikia.com/wiki/Trap


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Well in the video youre spamming only corruption for all the time, not with full dots up.

Same logic as spriest, spam SW:P on 2 targets only, keep spamming only it, infinite mindblasts, more than 10 in 1 minute

Also boomy too, more dots over targets / targets dotteds, lower proc chance

If u want go by this logic ofc it will seem bugged, if a warlock knows dotting w/o shards and soul swapping to keep high duration , ofc he will use his shards only for haunt.

All locks are fine except funkabizsax wich spams 2 haunts per target + infinite soulburn soulswap on everybody

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Well in the video youre spamming only corruption for all the time, not with full dots up.

Same logic as spriest, spam SW:P on 2 targets only, keep spamming only it, infinite mindblasts, more than 10 in 1 minute

Also boomy too, more dots over targets / targets dotteds, lower proc chance

If u want go by this logic ofc it will seem bugged, if a warlock knows dotting w/o shards and soul swapping to keep high duration , ofc he will use his shards only for haunt.

All locks are fine except funkabizsax wich spams 2 haunts per target + infinite soulburn soulswap on everybody




You don't reduce the chance of Nightfall procs the more you dot? Where do you get this information from? If this was the case and I use the same logic as you, then ele shamans should barely get any procs, right?


I mean, that doesn't make sense.

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its fine boiz, dont look at nightfall, its a fake report!!!!!!!


i love biased players, love them


poor marcel, almost choked him to death with the instant 5 procs nightfall.




its fine boiz, dont look at nightfall, its a fake report!!!!!!!


i love biased players, love them


poor marcel, almost choked him to death with the instant 5 procs nightfall.

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Сan close the topic.


Red, small, Norwegian gnome




Stop going off-topic in my report. Have nothing good to say? don't comment.


please don't try to make rsham lock more broken and op.




its fine boiz, dont look at nightfall, its a fake report!!!!!!!


i love biased players, love them


poor marcel, almost choked him to death with the instant 5 procs nightfall.




its fine boiz, dont look at nightfall, its a fake report!!!!!!!


i love biased players, love them


poor marcel, almost choked him to death with the instant 5 procs nightfall.



to explain this, you see he gets around 7-8 procs. First he gets just 1, then he gets another one, then suddenly he gets 5 procs in a row, then like 1 more after that.


This bug is absurd and needs a fix ASAP.


Only guy you can rely on is Heisenberg to fix it. Deadmouse won't as he is BFF with Veynnzy, sadly.

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more proof


1:12 - 2:12



1 - 1:12

2 - 1:31

3 - 1:57

4 - 2:07


Please tell me more that this is a fake report)


Хайзенберг, если ты это "исправишь", то вряд ли это будет адекватно с твоей стороны)


Пожалуйста, я хочу услышать, как вы оскорбляете Гейзенберга


Единственный разработчик 10/10

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so, you can link video"proof" date of 18 sep. 2013 , and say 'video of 28 feb 2014 it's old report' srsly ?


Get out of here, you silly goose. THAT LOGIC MAKES NO SENSE


Find videos where you get more than 5 procs. Disgusting DK lock player, STOP DEFENDING WARLOCKS

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That isn't enough proof.


Look at the game, that isn't from the start. He had dots up already on someone, what if Nightfall already procced?




Look at the shaman, taking damage from the warlock. Means he has dots up on him, what if Nightfall already procced?



2 stacks of gate = 15 sec into the game, means it probably already procced once.

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https://youtu.be/VfwHkc-isnI?t=6m57s - 7 seventh proc - But for more than a minute (Or maybe the sixth then) - (Turn on the speed 0.5)


+ ~9-10 sec




10 sec max.




trinket proc 13 seconds out of 20 seconds (fast proc if u dots targets)


And the warlock has 4 shards

When the arena opens = immediately 4 shards

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https://youtu.be/VfwHkc-isnI?t=6m57s - 7 seventh proc - But for more than a minute (Or maybe the sixth then) - (Turn on the speed 0.5)


+ ~9-10 sec




10 sec max.




trinket proc 13 seconds out of 20 seconds (fast proc if u dots targets)


And the warlock has 4 shards

When the arena opens = immediately 4 shards


No it's 15 seconds, because first 5 sec = 1 proc and 2nd proc = 10 sec = total of 15 sec


It doesn't make sense, it procced probably instantly, lucky/unlucky


that "6th/7th" proc is when the PPM reset, aka it was his 2nd proc out of his 5


It should be really easy to find warlocks getting 6+ procs in 5.4.8 if it's true, but I showed 7 games from start to finish where he only gets max 5, even games where ppl only get 4 procs as well.


just find a game like late s15 of a start to finish match (like when u see the match starts until he gets first nightfall proc then wait 1 min)

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https://youtu.be/VfwHkc-isnI?t=6m57s - 7 seventh proc - But for more than a minute (Or maybe the sixth then) - (Turn on the speed 0.5)


+ ~9-10 sec




10 sec max.




trinket proc 13 seconds out of 20 seconds (fast proc if u dots targets)


And the warlock has 4 shards

When the arena opens = immediately 4 shards


As stated above, it's really hard to do accurate analysis of a video where you don't see the gates opening.


At the start of the last game, you can see the warlock already has agony on himself, the main target has UA and agony. Trinket proced 7 seconds ago. Now just based on that, a good lock would already have dots rolling on all 3 targets. Which would mean he used a soulshard soul swap to get those dots rolling. I'm 99% sure that he already got 1 proc of nightfall before we could see it, and that's why we can go into a massive argument that would take 4 pages of useless writing for a conclusion to occur. Your effort is greatly appreciated, especially when something like this is in question, but SPECULATION is not going to help. Please link videos where you can see gates opening for an actual accurate analysis.


I can say that he got his first proc at the start which would make your whole point crumble, but you can counter attack with even more speculation and 10 pages later we didn't do anything.

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In this video moment everything is clear that the warlock got 6 shards in 1 minute. Any adequate pvp player will see this. And even the blind will notice it.



- Retail video


ace070d3b1c6fcdf8f56c64c9fced1d9.png = x2 stack gates = ~ 8-10 sec


Please look at this post




I know you want shards to proc 24/7 atm, but that was not how it was on retail s15




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In this video moment everything is clear that the warlock got 6 shards in 1 minute.

Yes of course, that is 100% true, but you don't know when the PPM cycle started, it could've started on his first global, IT IS NOT LIKELY, but neither is getting 6 procs in 1 minute. That's why he got 6 procs in 58 seconds, he got his first cycle of 5 ppm, we couldn't see the first proc so we assume the first one we actually see is the first one when it is actually the second one and we go on about claiming that he got 6 procs in 58 seconds. Link a game where it starts from gates opening, thanks.


- Retail video

he got 4 procs in 1 minute.

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This is the beginning of the arena. Are you seriously? Why would he show how the gate and gate timer open? To whom it may be interesting? If it was cut out and shown immediately the beginning of the arena.

I do not want to read random comments (year 2014), this is not proof. It's not even blue-posts blizzards


he got 4 procs in 1 minute.





I'm talking about the speed of building gates



Yes of course, that is 100% true, but you don't know when the PPM cycle started, it could've started on his first global, IT IS NOT LIKELY, but neither is getting 6 procs in 1 minute. That's why he got 6 procs in 58 seconds, he got his first cycle of 5 ppm, we couldn't see the first proc so we assume the first one we actually see is the first one when it is actually the second one and we go on about claiming that he got 6 procs in 58 seconds. Link a game where it starts from gates opening, thanks.


I do not care about your assumptions and guesses. Just turn on the brains and open your eyes.

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I do not care about your assumptions and guesses. Just turn on the brains and open your eyes.

What makes you think that we care about your assumptions and guesses? You're not doing anything besides that.

trinket proc 13 seconds out of 20 seconds (fast proc if u dots targets)


7 seventh proc - But for more than a minute (Or maybe the sixth then)


+ ~9-10 sec


10 sec max.




The hypocrisy in you is way higher then any other, I must commend you on this incredible feat.

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