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And once again this topic must get discussed ...


How is that possible that things randomly bug out such as icelance damage etc when they were changing NOTHING to the spell. That that big of a problem but at least fix something like holy shit since 2 weeks we have to play with icelances which do 20% less dmg than intended (just an example) or druid without working shroom


Can we just update the server more often ? No one, literally NO ONE likes to play with new bugs, and that for weeks. Its like ur doing that on purpose just to mix up the meta abit lol ...


In my opinion an Update once per week would be totally enough... and not like rn once every 1-2 months ... ah ye and please a changelog -.-

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Yeah I do agree with this but the admins have to actually be active to read this + Juster went on a massive night out with the lads and was never to be seen again. :( Feelsbad Juster! cant even handle your drinks let alone updating the server lul.
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Yeah I do agree with this but the admins have to actually be active to read this + Juster went on a massive night out with the lads and was never to be seen again. :( Feelsbad Juster! cant even handle your drinks let alone updating the server lul.


"massive night out with the lads"




^they say a picture is worth a thousand words. juster casually trying to look for space aliens.

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hello everyone!


im glad i could join you guys in this interesting subject. my name is britney and im playing a warrior in world of warcraft, mist of pandaria season 15. it's also known for prideful season. im also a feminist. i think it's horrible how the world has changed the past years. if you look at the gaming community today, it is completely dominated by the male gender. the female gender is always oversexualized with big breasts, big butts or even big dick sucking lips while we worship males. we can not accept this any longer! we must not accept it! someone has to take control!


just take a look at this!










might as well just unwrap their clothes at this point!


i'm proud to announce that i finally had enough of this! britney just put her foot down and we feminists will fight together to end this!


i forgot to say that im also a vegan. think about the animals in this world. what did they do to you? you think it would be fun to just kill your teacher and eat him/her (notice how i say both genders? that is because there are also females in this world!)? no? thats what i thought.


we need to stop this madness. go green or die!


as i said, im a world of warcraft player and i'm a multi challenger at multiple classes. im also quite known in the roleplaying community where you have to use your head when thinking about what transmog sets fits the outfit of the month!


so i think my saying in this is a bit more important than others. zeox, update the server or youre sexist! im not joking around, i will call the police, and i will tell them everything about your secrets, like how you dont want to like my facebook picture because i don't show cleavage in that exact photo!

Edited by Repitchx
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hello everyone!


im glad i could join you guys in this interesting subject. my name is britney and im playing a warrior in world of warcraft, mist of pandaria season 15. it's also known for prideful season. im also a feminist. i think it's horrible how the world has changed the past years. if you look at the gaming community today, it is completely dominated by the male gender. the female gender is always oversexualized with big breasts, big butts or even big dick sucking lips while we worship males. we can not accept this any longer! we must not accept it! someone has to take control!


just take a look at this!










might as well just unwrap their clothes at this point!


i'm proud to announce that i finally had enough of this! britney just put her foot down and we feminists will fight together to end this!


i forgot to say that im also a vegan. think about the animals in this world. what did they do to you? you think it would be fun to just kill your teacher and eat him/her (notice how i say both genders? that is because there are also females in this world!)? no? thats what i thought.


we need to stop this madness. go green or die!


as i said, im a world of warcraft player and i'm a multi challenger at multiple classes. im also quite known in the roleplaying community where you have to use your head when thinking about what transmog sets fits the outfit of the month!


so i think my saying in this is a bit more important than others. zeox, update the server or youre sexist looking dk irl! im not joking around, i will call the police, and i will tell them everything about your secrets, like how you dont want to like my facebook picture because i don't show cleavage on that exact photo!



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the female gender is always oversexualized with big breasts, big butts or even big dick sucking lips while we worship males. we can not accept this any longer! we must not accept it!


and men characters are always with big fucking muscles bigger than their own heads..


whats wrong on making game characters good looking?






btw, where did u get that from? lol

Edited by again14
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and men characters are always with big fucking muscles bigger than their own heads..


whats wrong on making game characters good looking? lol


im sorry, who are you? did you just quote me because my name is britney and im a female?


this is what im talking about. we can not have this in the world. it needs to change asap!

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