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Fly/Teleport hack in arena(Aykiráj/Aykirály)

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Topic title should contain violator's name and short description of the report (obscene speech, player insults etc.).Done!

Name of the violator (if the name contains alt-code, try to copy it from your game chat).


Aykiráj-Fun Realm(starter gear for gold)-seen in cross realm since it is arena

Aykirály-Fun Realm(starter gear for gold)-seen in cross realm since it is arena

Realm, where you saw the violation.(Up ^)


Description of the violation (write please in English very clearly and understandably).


Clearly see how they teleport on top of arena and fly around trying to kill you.If they can't they run away and make it a draw.


Proof: screenshots or video (depending on the requirements).8 screenshots


Comments to the situation (if it's needed).


All rules followed.

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