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Siege of Orgrimmar - Garrosh Hellscream - Intermission 4


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1. http://www.db.pandawow.me?npc=71865/garrosh-hellscream - Intermission: Realm of Y'Shaarj - http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=144945/yshaarjs-protection.

Periodically the call of Y'Shaarj will transport Garrosh and the players into the Realm of Y'Shaarj for 1.02 min. Garrosh will heal for 10% (20% on Heroic) of his total health and begin to Absorb Energy from the Heart of Y'Shaarj until players have defeated all Minions of Y'Shaarj inside the realm and interrupt Garrosh.

http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=144945/yshaarjs-protection - Immune to damage. Defeating the Sha minions will dispel the protection. While under the protection of Y'Shaarj, Garrosh will absorb energy from the Heart.


2. Problem:

http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=144945/yshaarjs-protection - Immune to damage. Defeating the Sha minions will dispel the protection. While under the protection of Y'Shaarj, Garrosh will absorb energy from the Heart.

There is no Sha Wall around Garrosh while Sha minions are alive in Realm of Y'Shaarj and he is just standing there like a statue (Animation not added).







3. How it should work:



•Intermission1 - Temple of the Jade Serpent:

As long as Sha Minions (http://www.db.pandawow.me?npc=72236/embodied-doubt) live:

- Sha Vortex-1 (NPC) with Aura called Y'Shaarj's Protection (Spell) on it + Garrosh Encounter Sha Vortex Collision 1 (Object) should spawn, which creates the following Sha Wall around Garrosh Hellscream we see in video/screens.

- Garrosh Hellscream should use the following animation - https://imgur.com/a/QfEYq.

Note: After all http://www.db.pandawow.me?npc=72236/embodied-doubt adds are dead Sha Wall (NPC + Aura + Object) despawns & Garrosh Cancels his Animation.

[b]Intermission 1 - Temple of the Jade Serpent:[/b]
•Sha Vortex-1 = [[color="#FF0000"]NPC ID:[/color] 72239] [X: 1104.793335] [Y: -5338.479980] [Z: -350.561218] [Facing: 1.2417614459991] [[color="#FF0000"]Aura ID:[/color] 144920] [Map ID: 1136].
•Garrosh Encounter Sha Vortex Collision 1 = [[color="#FF0000"]Object ID:[/color] 221132] [X: 1104.793335] [Y: -5338.479980] [Z: -350.561218] [Facing: 1.2417614459991] [Map ID: 1136].


•Intermission2 - Terrace of Endless Spring:

As long as Sha Minions (http://www.db.pandawow.me?npc=72237/embodied-fear) live:

- Sha Vortex-2 (NPC) with Aura called Y'Shaarj's Protection (Spell) on it + Garrosh Encounter Sha Vortex Collision 2 (Object) should spawn, which creates the following Sha Wall around Garrosh Hellscream we see in video/screens.

- Garrosh Hellscream should use the following animation - https://imgur.com/a/QfEYq.

Note: After all http://www.db.pandawow.me?npc=72237/embodied-fear adds are dead Sha Wall (NPC + Aura + Object) despawns & Garrosh Cancels his Animation.

[b]Intermission 2 - Terrace of Endless Spring:[/b]
•Sha Vortex-2 = [[color="#FF0000"]NPC ID:[/color] 72239] [X: 817.532349] [Y: -5602.881836] [Z: -397.963959] [Facing: 3.0285565853119] [[color="#FF0000"]Aura ID:[/color] 144920] [Map ID: 1136].
•Garrosh Encounter Sha Vortex Collision 2 = [[color="#FF0000"]Object ID:[/color] 221132] [X: 817.532349] [Y: -5602.881836] [Z: -397.963959] [Facing: 3.0285565853119] [Map ID: 1136].


•Intermission3 - Temple of the Red Crane:

As long as Sha Minions (http://www.db.pandawow.me?npc=72238/embodied-despair) live:

- Sha Vortex-3 (NPC) with Aura called Y'Shaarj's Protection (Spell) on it + Garrosh Encounter Sha Vortex Collision 3 (Object) should spawn, which creates the following Sha Wall around Garrosh Hellscream we see in video/screens.

- Garrosh Hellscream should use the following animation - https://imgur.com/a/QfEYq.

Note: After all http://www.db.pandawow.me?npc=72238/embodied-despair adds are dead Sha Wall (NPC + Aura + Object) despawns & Garrosh Cancels his Animation.

[b]Intermission 3 - Temple of the Red Crane:[/b]
•Sha Vortex-3 = [[color="#FF0000"]NPC ID:[/color] 72239] [X: 1056.774780] [Y: -5829.686035] [Z: -368.884064] [Facing: 1.5402181148529] [[color="#FF0000"]Aura ID:[/color] 144920] [Map ID: 1136].
•Garrosh Encounter Sha Vortex Collision 3 = [[color="#FF0000"]Object ID:[/color] 221132] [X: 1056.774780] [Y: -5829.686035] [Z: -368.884064] [Facing: 1.5402181148529] [Map ID: 1136].









4. x100.

5. 03/03/2018.

Edited by Wuvius
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