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Flyhacked in 3s

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1. Bromandudest, Iamdie, Sneakyname spent 20 mins ingame cuz rogue flyhacked out of arena

2. Bromandudest, Iamdie, Sneakyname

3. FUN

We got in a game and this rogue was alone fly hacking.Reason im reporting this is cuz idiots like dj will think of this as wintrading but as you can clearly see the game lasted 20 mins cuz the rogue was flyhacking and i MSG'd ZEOX mid games on discord (you can check the time) to ban them but he didnt respond

Proof: https://gyazo.com/5a18f716d4d9c8bc7c50c41815aca441

Comments to the situation (if it's needed).

I dont even mind but ppl like DJFREEZER will call this wintrading when we just got this random flyhacking rogue.Dj reports everyone for wintrading just posting this so everyone knows this is a random flyhacking rogue
I'm pretty sure its 1 guy.Since they werent even in the game they left que pretty much he was the only one in the game.GMS can check ip
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