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Name of the Forum User: Ddoskid

Reason: I have someone reported that he had offended in the world chat. Now Ddoskid writes under my thread with the words "Stupid Mongoloid" and I find that at all not okay what he writes and therefore I report Ddoskid hereby because of insult to me. Please ban this type. I also find it not okay that he writes at all about my thread, I find it provocative and disrespectful. I do not like anything like that!



https://prnt.sc/gp5c5r , http://prntscr.com/gp5iko ,


That is my Profile on the Thread: http://prntscr.com/gp5iys.



Look at here the Thread from me: http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=226950


I dont like so guys. Please Punished him for that.

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