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Bug Abuse - Anchexs

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1. Anchexs

2. Fun - Realm

3. Does some exploit of some sort to get ontop of the buildings in duel zone, Possible Teleport hack

4 Proof https://imgur.com/a/qFebO

5. There is no need for a video if he is sitting on a building. I am alliance and he is alliance which means we can only be in a duel for hitting eachother which proves there is no flying in the duel zone with mounts so she exploited. Look at top right below mini map it shows the location also. And i did /who on his name in the chat it shows his location.


Also Admin look at this. What i am about to post is word for word for what he wrote on another post admitting to being on the roof so you can see this copy and paste in quotes and im going to post the link to the forum he posted. "

regarding your last screenshot of me sitting on a house, hows that bug abuse? thats place banner, charge banner after you sitting 2 hours in stealth in a duel, wanting to force me to /forfeit cause you won't attack me even tho i offered to undress me multiple times i did that so that i can go take a piss LOL" http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=229482

Edited by unbeatbeast
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There is definately a need for a video if you're claiming it might be a teleport hack or bug :D lol

placing a banner and charging (safeguard) this banner is not using a bug, if i can place the banner and if i can charge (safeguard) this bannner then it just works liked intended, otherwise there would be error-messages. it's just like using shadwostep lol, i can give video proof if needed


i did that once for ~ 2min, i was the one who wanted a real duel, you were the one wanting to sit 3 hours in stealth, trying to force me to /forfeit because of you not attacking me and staying in stealth the whole duel. so my intend was at not to stop you from attacking me and forcing you to /forfeit, my intend was to have a real duel which you refused even after me offering to undress. proof of my intend and your intend: https://i.imgur.com/wF7n97V.png


That is more than enough proof to the point where he should be banned. I used the teleporter npc and as soon as I got to the duel zone I saw him glitch up onto the roof.


It won't help bringing in your Friends to start posting for you and trying to help you with your Agenda. As seen in this Thread xxyeah10 is obviously in your Name here, knows your Guild & is your Friend: http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=229533


"I got to the duel zone I saw him glitch up onto the roof." You need video proof. It's just a claim. I did not glitch nor bug abuse.

Edited by Andy2020
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Just stop lol start saying because i was in stealth you can exploit? If there were error messages for trying to do a bug then there would never be a bug lmao. you dont understand. going ontop of buildings abusing bugs in a custom zone is exploit.[/i]


I did not exploit nor glitch / bug abuse. Firstly it is not a bug. Secondly if it WERE a bug, which it is NOT - then where is the abuse? Tell me? There is no abuse.

Thirdly if you use Shadowstep to get one floor up onto the Silvershard Mines Graveyard, is this also bug abuse? Or just how the Spell is supposed to work? Tell me? It is not bug abuse to use Shadowstep. It is not bug abuse to use Safeguard on your Banner or a Party member.

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You used a spell to take advantage of a bug of getting on a roof of a building to give yourself an advantage inside a duel thats why your bug abuse. Getting on a roof in a place you cannot fly to benefit yourself. exploting a bug


Wrong. Using Safeguard is not a bug just like using Shadowstep is not a bug. You could have easily shadowstepped on me to get me and lol, thats the thing, *you did not even want to attack me* and you admitted that. I have already proven that my intend was not to stop you from attacking me. I've proven that. You have admitted that you did not even want to attack me, did not even want to open on me, i have given chat prove that you wanted to force me to /forfeit by not sitting in stealth, not opening on me. I have proven my and your intend and you've admitted it. So what you're trying to do is just wrong. I did not gain anything.

*Proof of you sitting in stealth for hours wanting me to /forfeit by doing so, by not attacking me at all: * https://i.imgur.com/wF7n97V.png

So, how could i have possibly gained anything if you've admitted that you did not even want to attack me, you wanted me to /forfeit by sitting stealth for hours. I gained nothing. I just used a spell. Behaviour like that should you get banned, provocating people by writing you'll sit 3hrs in stealth and not attacking just so that you can make forum posts lol

Edited by Andy2020
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You dont understand little man. You need to know what bug abuse is. Its abusing a bug and the bug is getting on the roof no one said you used banner and safeguard to get up there ive seen you heroic leap up there and teleport hack up there when you were too far away.


LOL, go prove it then, you're just claiming things from now on, don't ya? :D won't help you

i've not leaped, i've only used safeguard on my banner, no hack no bug no nothing, and you could've just shadowstepped me if you wanted to attack me, but you did not want to attack me, i have proven that multiple times.

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First of all i use burst of speed and do not have tomes and dont play with shadowstep and another thing little kid is that you were on a bug and now your influencing me and everyoen reading your post to bug abuse to win duels which needs to be stopped or you will get alot of people exploiting just like you. You didnt sit up there 2 minute you did it against my druid also that i farmed you on and you won 0 duels and whispered me insulting my UI saying because of my UI there is no way im better than you... Sad little boy child... You need to growup and admit you messed up and want me to accept your apology and begs to remove my forum post on you... You just lie constantly i mean just look at how many irration posts you have,,, Unfactual and work cites Wikipedia.....
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First of all i use burst of speed and do not have tomes and dont play with shadowstep and another thing little kid is that you were on a bug and now your influencing me and everyoen reading your post to bug abuse to win duels which needs to be stopped or you will get alot of people exploiting just like you. You didnt sit up there 2 minute you did it against my druid also that i farmed you on and you won 0 duels and whispered me insulting my UI saying because of my UI there is no way im better than you... Sad little boy child... You need to growup and admit you messed up and want me to accept your apology and begs to remove my forum post on you... You just lie constantly i mean just look at how many irration posts you have,,, Unfactual and work cites Wikipedia.....


Your IQ does not seem to be very high, also this is slander. Knowingly stating Bullshit about someone, lol. Get banned

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