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Insults, calling me idiot and retard

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1. Zipposkunkx

2. Fun

3. He's insulting me, I knew he would trashtalk me as soon as he lost the arena cause this is not the first time. That's why i activated "Do Not Disturb" Mode but he was able to whisper me anyway






5. Asked him like 5 times to stop harrassing me. He kept going and calls me retard/idiot for no reason (he does that every time he loses against me)


Please do something with this guy, he is being toxic with everyone and make the server's community bad.

Edited by baaz
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I find that for very disturbing.He is my little brother, and I don't like when people threat him like that.People must understand that younger people must be respected too.This person violated the rules,please punish him and let him take this as lesson.Thanks in advance.And please, tell your parents to teach their children to be friendly with all the people,and by that way we will make the world a better place. Edited by денискашвд
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I find that for very disturbing.He is my little brother, and I don't like when people threat him like that.People must understand that younger people must be respected too.This person violated the rules,please punish him and let him take this as lesson.Thanks in advance.And please, tell your parents to teach their children to be friendly with all the people,and by that way we will make the world a better place.


wise words man

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