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Posted (edited)

1. Name of not working spell: http://wowwiki.wikia.com/wiki/Grand_Crusader_(paladin)

2. Description of the problem: Grand Crusader work very rarely...maybe once for 5minutes and should work very often. Look at the links below, you can see there that this passiv work like once for 3-10 seconds ...

3.How it must work: Grand Crusader can not be cooldown and work very often... This passive reset Avenger's Shield when dodging or parrying a melee attack, that is very often... http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=85043/grand-crusader#changelog

; I checked how this should be work !!!

4.Date when you tested it: 2016 / 10 / 16 and 12.12.2017

5.Realm (x100/x5/Fun), on which you have found the bug: Fun.

6.Priority of the problem: 8/10 , becuse without this it's not immposible play (Grand Crusader reset best skill) and i don't understand why suddenly stop working ... i play more than year for paladin prot and this passiv always work !



Grand Crusader

When you dodge or parry a melee attack you have a 30% chance of refreshing the cooldown on your next Avenger's Shield and causing it to generate a charge of Holy Power if used within 6 seconds. (1 second cooldown).

I was writing about it long ago... still dont work :/ For videos on youtube i have seen that this skill work very often ... so i am begging you to fix this :) I forgot add that when passiv turns on very often is turn off instantly ... not by dispell oO i don't understand this, additionaly sometimes is interfupted by warrior and etc... warr havent immunity for silence ... pls help.

Edited by tarro16

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