BeastFreinds Posted December 14, 2017 Posted December 14, 2017 Hello to all my new players who join the server, because it is a good reputation, I made bg in the morning nothing to say but in the evening I notice d violations not really tolerable like speedhack flyhack the disconnection of 5-6 members of the opposing faction the ddos ... so I decide to postpone players because I have played on various servers on various extentions I have never seen such a liberty of offense here, in my opinion you must perform serious ban because the reputation of the server will begin to let go at a time or other. Player: Glandy, Rekkah, Bobijohn, jilbrain, another in Russian. Realm: X100 & Fun these flyhack players in full battle of alterac is teleported behind the boss, hours that I put my traps to detect them, and the boss finished them. I hope that you study my request because having a bad reputation for the servers first and then the other players is serious.
Game Masters Jegerm Posted December 14, 2017 Game Masters Posted December 14, 2017 Those players are victims of the MC hacker. Declined
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