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Repitchx is talking about cheats! Permaban him

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1. Repitchx ( x100 , FUN )

Well. This is his rogues, but if u watch vid u understand that he now play huntard. You can easily check his characters by IP of chars above

2. Discord. Discussing EWT (cheat software)

3. He was questioning about Autotrap and Minimap Tracking features in EWT

4. https://www.dropbox.com/s/ajphqohljb8sdyb/2017-12-28_11-18-04.mp4?dl=0

5. In the attached video u can see that he play on 5.4.8 and on last seconds u will see that he is on PandaWow discord room.

p.s. ***Also ban everyone who using EWT and finally delete this threads:



If i write guide about PQR usable functions like PQR_IsMoving() or PQR_UnitDistance("target","player") not talking about autorotations it can be allowed here like in threads above?

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ban everyone who using EWT

There are plenty harmless features in EWT such as TMog feature which can change your mog/race/sex/tittle etc by changing some values in game client.

THat does almost no effect to the game process. Why should be people using those be banned? They don't harm anyone as do these Priest hackers.

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