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So I was In a Arena on the FUN server and this warrior decided to trash talk me during the entiiiire match.This is fine but he kept saying how my dmg was low . At first I thought he was right but then I noticed that my dmg was actually bugged. I have pictures of the dmg and you can look up the match. I had a bunch of 5k ambush crits and 20k evisc crits where i 100% had hemo debuff and he didnt have wall , there was alot of fishy dmg reduction ..If 25k eviscerate or 2.5k ambush with shadowblades 5k ambush with crit is normal for this server with 536 gear vs a 530 arms warrior and you dont do anything about this then I guess this is not a good server for pvp. This guy was in 530 ilvl gear with 500k hp unbuffed I mean there is no excuse here and this isint just a server bug he is doing it on purpose right at the begining he even started saying this stupid stuff so he knows what he did and after I reported him he started harrasing me. my name is imworster and i played with a holy paladin ALL I ASK IS THAT U LOOK AT THE WHOLE MATCH AND DMGLOG BECAUSE HE DARES ME TO REPORT AND EVEN INSULTS U )))))))))




https://imgur.com/a/m3QJm this doesnt say enough but i will add his taunting where he admits what he did. this is also with shadow blades and what is most crazy of all is he claims this is because of his 2.7k skill ... In the match there is a 5 point 14k evisc crit with hemo debuff and shadowblades I have on chat but not on combat log..

https://imgur.com/a/XmJm9 here he is basically admitting it.


after i put this on the forums him and this guy started to whisper me for hours stuff like this https://imgur.com/a/usBNx




If your really going to let people blaitantly abuse and then say its because of his 2.7k skill then like i said there are serious problems here he knew that there was a bug watch the comments, its no accident... Im not gonna report people or play on a server that lets people abuse MC and stuff like this then admit it and get away free also his pala friend knew exactly what was going on too.

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I really dont want to hear the argument that this guy could have defensive cds or I didnt put up hemo/bleed because its not true and u should watch the match , also even if this is true with all cds and shieldwall 10k evisc on arms warr? yea sure...

Edited by imworster
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So I was In a Arena on the FUN server and this warrior decided to trash talk me during the match. This is fine but he kept saying how my dmg was low. At first I thought he was right but then I noticed that my dmg was actually bugged. I have pictures of the dmg and you can look up the match. If 25k eviscerate or 2.5k ambush with shadowblades is normal for this server with 536 gear and you dont do anything about this then I guess this is not a good server for pvp. my name is imworster and i played with a holy paladin ALL I ASK IS THAT U LOOK AT THE MATCH


https://imgur.com/a/m3QJm this should say enough but i will add his taunting where he admits what he did.

https://imgur.com/a/XmJm9 here he is basically admitting it.


I want to see some action here ^^


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I really dont want to hear the argument that this guy could have defensive cds or I didnt put up hemo/bleed because its not true and u should watch the match , also even if this is true with all cds and shieldwall 2,5k evisc on arms warr? yea sure...





OMG no have gear hahahahaha

He only say u're noob and is true don't insult, OMG dude delete wow

Edited by Largeomdogx
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1.- Í´m the Hpal who was with "Epicuro" Orc war

2.- Maybe you haven´t 5 points or something, cuz ambush need 1-5 points to use it, so, you don´t dmg for that.

3.- The dmg was on me (Hpal) No on the war...

4.- Hpal have a skill (accuse, i think its the name on english), and it down damage, because it doesn´t allow critical shots.

5.- That´s all, we haven´t use hacks or something like you said.

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ambush requires no points, eviscerate does. 2,5k ambush with blades and proc trinket with hemo buff. IT really is alot of work trying to report people and go through all this again so i do hope I see some action on both of these guys becasue they clearly know what they did , they are now harrasing me, said that they didnt know english when i caught them on their lies, its not fun to play vs people who are abusing in arena and tbh i dont wanna face these guys again and if nothing happens with this clear blatant hacking then i obviously cant do anything about this situation not only will i not report anyone again because i will know its pointless i will have to just leave. watch the match id pls. Edited by imworster
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We aren´t feared because we didn´t use hack, I just put that skill all arena, is for that you haven´t crit shots, and u started to insult us, and told we are hackers and more s****, but ok, if u think its hack, not my problem haha. Good luck.


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686096 there is the arena ID, you can see my dmg, it say i was doing that skill all time ;)

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