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Teleporter Suggestion


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Goodnight everyone, i've recently been hanging out around Gurubashi Arena out of boredom because there's not much left to do in PandaWoW anyways, and what i noticed is ridiculous. First of all i wanna start with something else.


Why are there so many teleporters on main cities? SW in total 3, Ironforge 2, only saying the main most important ones.


To not make it long, my suggestion is to leave it at 1 Teleporter per Capital City, in Stormwind only leave the teleporter next to the gates, and in Ironforge remove the one near the flight path.


The reason behind it is their uselessness, NO one uses the 2 other teleporters in SW, and as you see the MAIN one is near the gates where every player gather up to spectate games, and they all use the one closer to them, which is the teleporter right next to the gates.


What i was talking on the first paragraph is how people abuse the cooldown reseting in Duel Zone and teleporters, this breaks the fun to play to EVERYONE.

What they're doing is, go Gurubashi arena, FULL BURST someone, go Duel Zone (here they have a 2nd acc only to duel them and reset cds) duel their 2nd acc char to reset cds, and go back to guru with full cds, the WHOLE procedure takes 5seconds. So basically for people that are in pure PvP in Guru end up getting bursted OVER and OVER again.


My suggestion is to take the Teleporter to Booty Bay, but people can still get teleported to the same zone when clicked on Gurubashi.


I know all of this comes out of nowhere, but the ONLY dominating class in gurubashi is rogue you can ask anyone or just go see it with your own eyes, and EVERYONE else that comes there are powerless vs COUNTLESS cd reset and bursting.


I'll really be happy if you move the teleporter to Booty Bay to avoid the endless cd reset cycle. Im thinking about the best for the PandaWoW players dont take me wrong.


Have a good night, Cordially, Felxprod.

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the ONLY dominating class in gurubashi is rogue

This is the true essence of gurubashi players, they want to oneshot you and call you noob afterwards.

There's no need in something besides that.

you're doing WPvP and it is how it is, you can't deal with it. Rogues are OP. Just swallow it.

The universe has a tend to complicate itself, why would you need to make something easier? Just evolve.


the last part was a joke, if you don't get it - i'm calling it.


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how can ppl enjoy this retarded style of pvp?its not even pvp haha,just buy full 4/4 char and oneshot something,and you call this pvp? if you want to play real pvp,que bgs or arenas or just something else than buying full pve char and kill everything with 1 starfall or get killed by 1 ambush.it's not even pvp if you are full pve and kill something with 1 button.i would respect gurubashi/world pvp if it was more balanced,not buying full pve chars and kill something with 1 button or get killed by 1 button,but anyways i will respect ur suggestion,just i wonder how ppl still enjoy this shit.it would be so nice if ppl in fun realm did often rated battlegrounds,premade bgs,solo3v3 or normal arenas,instead of this boring,full with dramas and pointless world pve in gurubashi.i once came 5-6 months ago to gurubashi for 1st time since 4 years of playing pwow and the 1st thing was i saw is chainzrow flying in the sky with his rogue with fly hack and killing ppl,nice pvp Edited by orbslover
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This is the true essence of gurubashi players, they want to oneshot you and call you noob afterwards.

There's no need in something besides that.

you're doing WPvP and it is how it is, you can't deal with it. Rogues are OP. Just swallow it.

The universe has a tend to complicate itself, why would you need to make something easier? Just evolve.


the last part was a joke, if you don't get it - i'm calling it.


Gurubashi has always been so, it's to demostrate your skills to others with PVP, but the PvE equippers itself doesn't bother me AT ALL, it's just the most annoying thing ever people who tryhard at a point where they multibox in duel zone only to have a char to reset cds with, literally open burst kill go to DZ reset cds and repeat and it doesn't take any effort for such, i'm really tired of this the guru is losing its purpose with the state it's currently at.


Edit: posted another comment yesterday but no clue why it didnt get posted, or maybe deleted idk.


it was the rogue trinket swap abusing. Not only 4/4 rogues are OP enough by themselves but 4 trinkets at the same time results in 400k crits.


How it works: Have 4 trinkets, equip the first 2, attack the enemy until u get the procs, vanish, swap with the other 2 trinkets and re-open with burst, and enjoy 400k crits. Something should be done about it AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. It's not fairplay.

Edited by Felxprod
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