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Сферы. Снапшотинг и смарт-таргетинг


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  1. http://db.pandawow.me/?spell=115460 , http://db.pandawow.me/?spell=135920
    1. Не запоминает характеристики в момент установки сферы
    2. Отхил от сфер даёт предпочтение ближайшему союзнику
    3. [*]

      1. http://www.skill-capped.com/forums/showthread.php?29282-Utilizing-Healing-Sphere-better-%28Pre-Orbing%29 ('Hence your random proc trinket will be procced 99.9% of the time early on. This is when you orb. This way, you have massively buffed orbs on the ground')

          [*]Отхил от сфер должен выбирать того, у кого процентно меньше хп



          [*]Все миры


      2. http://db.pandawow.me/?spell=135920:

        Без проков: 2:00 - сфера появилась перед пристом, проков нет. 2:07 - прист подобрал сферу и исцелился на 21,461.
        С проками: 1:48-1:50 - сфера появилась перед пристом, с проком триньки. 2:16-2:17 - прист подобрал сферу и исцелился на 24,914.
      3. http://db.pandawow.me/?spell=115460:
        13:31 - ставит 3 сферы, проков нет
        13:49 - -25% от нейтрализующего яда = 18120 * 1.25 = 22650 (могло отхилить)
        14:07 - танцующая сталь + прок тринька = 29257
Edited by Cometodaddy
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a) If you place a Healing Sphere with trinket and procs up, after your procs will fade and you'll take the sphere, it should heal for the amount of the SP / AP you had when you placed it; Currently, if you place a 100k sphere ( with trink + procs activated ) and you wait for the procs to fade, if you take the sphere, it will heal for the amount of a normal one ( without procs ), for ex: 22k.



gift of the snake proof:


- Without procs:

2:00 - Look carefully that he spawns a sphere in front of the priest, without any procs up.

2:07; The priest takes that sphere and it heals him for 21,461.

- With procs:

1:48-1:50; Look again, very carefully, he spawns another sphere near the priest ( with on-use trinket up ).

2:16-2:17; Pause exactly at those seconds, and check very carefully the heal of the sphere spawned when he had trinket up, it's 24,914.


healing sphere proof


13:31 - monk places 3 sphere without procs

13:49 - -25% sham suffers from neutralyzing poison = healed for 18120 * 1.25 = 22650 (could heal without poison)

14:07 - dancing steel + trinket proc = 29257



b) Healing Spheres should have a smart mechanism like Nature's Vigil and it should heal the lowest player / target first. Currently, if you have a player on top of you and that player is lower in HP than you are, if you spam spheres on both of you, you'll be the one that gets healed, not the lowest HP one. It should heal the lowest one until it reaches your same HP percentage and then it should continue healing the lowest one from both of you until everyone is full HP.


pasted from fre**z bugreport :crab:

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  • Developers
Ну шо там, будем снапшотить сферки?

Да. Исправлено для обычных сфер и сфер с искусности, будет применено после обновления.

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