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Icecrown Citadel 10,25H

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Posted (edited)

Icecrown Citadel 10H and 25H


1. The gates from http://www.db.pandawow.me?npc=36626/festergut and http://www.db.pandawow.me?npc=36627/rotface (possibly the gate from http://www.db.pandawow.me?npc=36678/professor-putricide if you decide to ever fix low-leveled instances)

2. The gates won't open if you kill Festergut or Rotface. (none of us were in combat) If you unstuck and go back, the instance will act as if the whole raid were in combat and you won't be able to access the teleporter, nor go to the elevator because there are ice spikes after the 2nd boss.

3. The gates are supposed to open as soon as you kill the boss and go out of combat.

4. 7/5/2018

5. x100 realm

PROOF: https://imgur.com/a/OK1fbfJ


I'd appreciate if you fix this issue and maybe focus more on low leveled PvE content. Thanks, xo.

Edited by mayasucksatlife
2. The gates won't open if you kill Festergut or Rotface. (none of us were in combat) If you unstuck and go back' date=' the instance will act as if the whole raid were in combat and you won't be able to access the teleporter, nor go to the elevator because there are ice spikes after the 2nd boss.[/quote']

This only ever happens if you kill the bosses too quick. Just wait 1 minute and then kill the boss.

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