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Character Transfer cost

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Hello, so i would like to know what happened to my gold coins. I mean, before i ask for a character transfer I had 1899 gold coins, so I bought a mage for 1100+tax(1210)[making me have 689] and only after that I asked for a character change, 2 days after i asked for a character change he took 150 gold coins from my account and now after I made a thread asking what happened, he took 150 again, so now i only have 389 bonuses since he took 150 gold coins 2 times(300).

Here is a screenshot of my current balance: https://imgur.com/a/IYfWAgq

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Your logs:

| id      | user_id | created             | bonus | msg                                                                            |
| 1476658 |  689435 | 2018-11-08 16:15:31 |   970 | Sold character (chr: 6440825, realm: x100)                                     |
| 1476836 |  689435 | 2018-11-09 12:00:35 | -1210 | Bought character (chr: 5894240, realm: x100)                                   |
| 1476999 |  689435 | 2018-11-09 22:02:37 |  -150 | Changerace for character Magesong (guid=5894240, realm=x100)                   |

2018-11-08 16:15:31 - you sold your character. After this you had 1899 gold coins.

2018-11-09 12:00:35 - you bought a character. After this you had 1899-1210=689 gold coins.

2018-11-09 22:02:37 - you bought changerace for this new character. After this you had 689-150=539 gold coins.

And yesterday you got your transferred character: 539-150=389 gold coins.


I forgot about this one 1476999 | 689435 | 2018-11-09 22:02:37 | -150 | Changerace for character Magesong (guid=5894240, realm=x100)

Thanks and sorry for the inconvenience.

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