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Glyph of Fortuitous Spheres


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I don't see any difference in heal and it heals by the same spell as real one.

Only found a bug that glyph sometimes didn't proc at all. This bug is fixed, will be applied after update.

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Ye the healing sphere part does work and spawns the right sphere. And while testing I also experienced that it didn't proc from time to time. It is a good thing you found that.


However, I noticed that it always spawned sphere 3 yards away from me. It should spawn randomly from 0 - 3 yards from caster like mastery sphere does.


Edited by zeakey
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  • Developers
However, I noticed that it always spawned sphere 3 yards away from me. It should spawn randomly from 0 - 3 yards from caster like mastery sphere does.


It does have random direction, but not radius. Same with mastery spheres. Wowhead doesn't say anything about it, i think i'll move this report to fixed section and if you find more proofs about it, then make separate report.

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