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Arcane missiles proc vision bug


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I write again this post cuz its wrote that bug its fixed but its not

1. arcane missiles proc vison

2 you have 2 stacks of arcane missiles proc (buff) but you see only 1 proc (vision proc of spell)

3 you need to have 2 vision proc of spell when you have 2 stacks

4 11.06.19

5. all

6 6/10 - its really annoying this bug cuz you don't know when to cast arcane missiles


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its really annoying this bug cuz you don't know when to cast arcane missiles

its not, just keep your eyes on the right top of monitor all-time. All that happens with your crushed body, all that a little people are doing in front of you till you`ll get 2 procs doesn`t matter. You saw 2 procs - you do your job.

Thats easy, sister :beer:

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Fixed, will be applied after update.

I write again this post cuz its wrote that bug its fixed but its not

In previous report i thought that you talking about visual stack amount of buff (was a global fix for it). There wasn't any changes to visual animation.

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