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I am Pain, I was the biggest multiboxer on retail for a while with 50 toons, and I was one of the biggest multiboxers on PandaWoW until a few months back with 40. Because of the fact that PandaWoW recently prohibited multiboxing on their servers, I'd like to take this opportunity to answer all the questions that PandaWoW staff, as well as players could have.

So, let's start with my views on multiboxing as a topic. I've been multiboxing since early Cataclysm on retail (2010-2011). Long story short, I started with 3 toons and eventually went up to 50-60 in Warlords of Draenor. After WoD was over, I was bored of retail and decided to give private servers a shot. I played on a couple of servers which I will not name, but one of them was PandaWoW. I was multiboxing 40 toons from the start until a few months ago, when I decided to take a break. After I came back from the break (about two weeks ago, if even that), I started focusing more on smaller numbers (4 boxing for battlegrounds). I noticed that the number of multiboxers has increased from when I took a break. Some of them did indeed sit in Gurubashi Arena and such areas, where they disturbed the gameplay of others. But most of them did not do such things. So, my suggestion would be that the PandaWoW staff should NOT prohibit multiboxing completely, instead I think that the numbers should be limited to 4-5 or even 8, so we can still have fun without disturbing others and ruining their fun. I tried to make this post unbiased, even though I am a huge fan of multiboxing and especially mass multiboxing, however, I think that people who sit in the same area, camping it for hours and hours with a lot of toons should indeed be punished. For example, in my opinion, PandaWoW staff should punish anyone going over the limit for multiboxing, and punish the multiboxers who camp certain areas for a long time. But then also punish big guilds that organise big raids that also disturb the gameplay of both multiboxers and single account players that do the exact same thing.


I appreciate you taking the time to read this, I think I've said what I had to, so feel free to ask me anything.

Best regards.

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+1 to this. Completely banning it is unnecessary. Ban it in battlegrounds, set time limits for zone disruption and heck, make it so we're not allowed into Gurubashi, I don't care. I dedicated a lot of time and money to multiboxing here and completely executing all of that time is unethical and unnecessary.
Posted (edited)
++ I see it the same way. set the limit to 5 or more toons per IP, otherwise your Accounts get banned. So that we can still have fun and not mess up the people the game. Edited by Don / Sisterone
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Ban it in battlegrounds



This would not be the right move either. It's easy for players to wipe us in battlegrounds, and it's easier for them to win if we're multiboxing since we HAVE to stay in the same place and can't spread our toons around to cap/defend bases more efficiently. Battleground multiboxing should be alright.

Why would you even need to multibox ? like ok for you guys its fun etc,but when like 8 multiboxers come on you full burst and you die in 1 second its not funny and for me it makes my game crash and its not funny like i coem gurubashi arena i have 15 fps with multiboxers and when you guys aren't here i get 80 fps,and like jordan said make it that you can't use it in gurubashi
Why would you even need to multibox ? like ok for you guys its fun etc,but when like 8 multiboxers come on you full burst and you die in 1 second its not funny and for me it makes my game crash and its not funny like i coem gurubashi arena i have 15 fps with multiboxers and when you guys aren't here i get 80 fps,and like jordan said make it that you can't use it in gurubashi


I'm perfectly fine with it not being allowed in Gurubashi. And your FPS drops can easily be fixed by getting a new PC. The numbers will be limited, so players won't lag. I agree, 8 20+ boxers should not be allowed and we should not have done it, but there were guilds that got just as many numbers and raided Orgrimmar/Stormwind. Mass multiboxing should be allowed because big guilds/raids are allowed. I'd be fine with mass boxing being banned, as long as we can run at least 4-5 toons though.

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Why would you even need to multibox ? like ok for you guys its fun etc,but when like 8 multiboxers come on you full burst and you die in 1 second its not funny and for me it makes my game crash and its not funny like i coem gurubashi arena i have 15 fps with multiboxers and when you guys aren't here i get 80 fps,and like jordan said make it that you can't use it in gurubashi


So, because your PC is terrible, we're the ones who get punished? So if a raid of 50 horde attacked stormwind, that's better than 3 15 man multiboxers and a 5 man multiboxer attacking stormwind? They're even EASIER to kill than a raid of 50 horde. Heck, there's even alliance multiboxers that help them out like yesterday in Stormwind. Retail had a 60-80 man multiboxer all throughout mop and wod, Blizzard acted like it wasn't even happening.

++I'm think the same way as Pain does. Multiboxing is funny and shouldn't be prohibited. You guy's should set a limit of accounts that can be logged in. But to delete it entirely isn't the right way.

Solution: 1. Remove multiboxing from Gurubashi, thus removing 80% of all reports as the majority of them come from Gurubashi. 2. No point in limiting the amount of characters as there were like two multiboxers that did more than 10 and neither of them were ever on until later in the day. 3. Set zone disruption times, for example you're only allowed in Stormwind for an hour before you have to leave and go somewhere else for a bit.


Let me know other suggestions to solve the issue of multiboxing but #1 should do the majority of the fixing. Sure, people call me trash when I raid stormwind but all they have to do is either 1. Go somewhere else, 2. Turn pvp off, or 3. Get a group of 20 players and wipe me, pretty simple.

Ban It in world, Allow maximum of 5 in a bg :appl:


Terrible idea. World is where it shouldn't matter. BGs are actual important pvp and are required for gearing up on this server.

Idk how many times ive heard u say ur r1 multiboxer world, how bout u stfu and eat these nuts go ruin someone elses server


Who even are you? This is a real discussion, go away.

Aight let's get it in this way.


Not everyone has there rich Momy and Daddy to get expensive pcs some people are forced to work and don't get paid good enough to buy a new PC.. however, this is just a small reason to don't allow multi-boxing basically the server is 500-800 people online daily having multi-boxing allowed is just stupid making a normal raid Raiding orgrimmar literally empty orgrimmar and you wanna allow multi-boxing?No man...

And yes you should be banned entering World PVP man.. isn't enough that the server is dying the player don't even gather up fighting Multiboxers, just like a few days ago I came online I was Stormwind not even in Guru and Zod, Criticism and someone else was multi-boxing and literally none of Sw give a shit? There weren't even enough people to stop them? And you want it to be allow no man.. sorry I strongly disagree in Bgs/Raid and World PVP multi-boxing should be removed.


Well, for one, it doesn't help that Decoy and Zod are 4/4 on every character and are basically unkillable together. Obviously it would take a HUGE group of players to wipe them as they're playing literally the most OP classes to multibox. Two, so we're being punished for being more successful than the kids that play here? And having a hobby? How is that fair to us? Should we ban rogues because they're broken in Gurubashi? Obviously not as they're a part of the game. Banning rogues isn't Blizzlike and neither is banning Multiboxers. I've yet to hear of a report where someone quit due to us multiboxing. You know who quit due to something else? YOU. Tell them to worry about fixing bugs and .wargame rather than worrying about a bunch of 12 year olds getting angry cause they died to a raid.

Well, for one, it doesn't help that Decoy and Zod are 4/4 on every character and are basically unkillable together. Obviously it would take a HUGE group of players to wipe them as they're playing literally the most OP classes to multibox. Two, so we're being punished for being more successful than the kids that play here? And having a hobby? How is that fair to us? Should we ban rogues because they're broken in Gurubashi? Obviously not as they're a part of the game. Banning rogues isn't Blizzlike and neither is banning Multiboxers. I've yet to hear of a report where someone quit due to us multiboxing. You know who quit due to something else? YOU. Tell them to worry about fixing bugs and .wargame rather than worrying about a bunch of 12 year olds getting angry cause they died to a raid.


comparing a rogue with maxed gear to 10 dks with full stam gems is like comparing a baby to the rock, u can wargame 10000 times and u wont kill a single one of them cuz they literally go up to like 700k hp with shit gear

comparing a rogue with maxed gear to 10 dks with full stam gems is like comparing a baby to the rock, u can wargame 10000 times and u wont kill a single one of them cuz they literally go up to like 700k hp with shit gear


My dks are full strength but k, there was one dude Mave with full stam gems and blood and he had one burst that wipes an entire raid and then he can't do anything until it's up again lol.

comparing a rogue with maxed gear to 10 dks with full stam gems is like comparing a baby to the rock, u can wargame 10000 times and u wont kill a single one of them cuz they literally go up to like 700k hp with shit gear


Personally I never wargame to reset cds or hp, unlike 98% of the solo players. 10 people vs a 10 man boxer is an easy win for 10 single toon players.



Just like this dude who claims to be and still claims that he is leaving and he is the best player as he wishes to be.. and still tho need more then 8 accounts to kill a single person

Just gonna leave this as a note Pedo Laaya has been taking your 5 boomys by himself at least learn from a Frenchie that melts you down and quit using the name Iamzod you are just ruining his reputation


Seems like someone is salty he can't beat me

I want you too find me does 10 people who will actually gather up and waste there time killing someone who is running around with 17-20 chars it is just boring not sure what part you don't understand the fact that you guys ruin world pvp for the literally small amount of people that left doing world pvp or the fact that * omg who cares make a raid of 10 people ez? * no man the server is dying at least world pvp is dying.


Yes, world PvP is dying, which is why multiboxers exist to revive it. There were like 15 alliance in Stormwind defending it after I started taking it over. This is a PvP server and a Blizzlike i90 server, which means on retail, multiboxing was allowed... Therefore it should not be blocked here.


Personally, I don't enjoy just playing one char anymore, and I never got into the whole "gurubashi" thing. I used to queue arenas but I'm not good enough at them for it to be enjoyable. We're all saying to just ban it in Gurubashi which is 100% fine by me, no problems there. All that exists there is .wargamers and Flyhackers that grip me under the map. Anywhere I can go where that doesn't happen is fine by me. I enjoy playing this server for the specific reason as it has more FREEDOM than the majority of other servers. Hence the reason I invested money into it, but to see all of that die only because some people get angry at our hobby isn't fair to us and isn't fair to PandaWoW to lose the free income. Nuff said.

Posted (edited)

To be honest, you shouldn't even ban it in gurubashi.

I've been on this server for about 5-ish years now. Multiboxing has always been a thing, but anyone rarely used it.

You say it's unfair when someone goes 16v1 on a multibox. People do the same without the program.

They make groups/raids to fight 1/2 people because they simply can't beat them alone.

I don't support the 10v1 multiboxers since i've always been the 1v1 equal fights guy.

But if people who get off of themselves for ganking someone who they are unable to beat on their own. Yeah, let them get shit on by a multiboxer.


So don't ban multiboxing, not even in guru, just limit the number of accounts per ip.

If people can shit talk while 5v1ing you, they should be ready to get 1v5ed aswell.


It's called Karma

Edited by Iamzodzy
Some stuff has there end Shane you do know that and I don't care? I even said the same to Cora today he said he will help me I just simply said No I'll leave within 20min anyway I don't care about Multi-boxing and such just helping a friend to get rid of it and No guru was never my favorite I always hated it and never like it.

You still used.. 4 accounts vs Corazon man.. don't deny that just admit at least 1 thing you have done and get off your ego horse and look at urself


- - - Updated - - -




I do enjoy what you have said but I guess this is my final reply do whatever you guys think is the best for World PVP, in my opinion, it won't Revive world pvp in any way it will just make it harder and annoying for tons of people.


I remember the good times when I multiboxed in here 4-5 years ago. I ran with a guild called "Thrallmar" which in its prime hosted world pvp events vs alliance guilds. Horde is underpopulated, Alliance isn't. People just don't make effort to face-off with us.

I've been on this server far longer than most of you (5.5 yrs), I multiboxed on this server for 4-5 years, I was the only boxer on X100 and although I did multibox 15, I never camped any major city for more than 20 minutes if I saw no resistance (Although most of the time I did and people actually teamed up and camped me), I never lagged the server out, never disrupted any zone at all and never multiboxed in BGs

I paid for mounts, characters, items, etc...

Imagine my frustration when multiboxing got banned because of a few multiboxers who have been for a mere 1-2 months. Do you think I had this coming? Lol.

I remember the good times when I multiboxed in here 4-5 years ago. I ran with a guild called "Thrallmar" which in its prime hosted world pvp events vs alliance guilds. Horde is underpopulated, Alliance isn't. People just don't make effort to face-off with us.


That's where i come in. Not trying to "Boost my ego" Like chinzrow would call it.

90% of the server mains alliance, it's why i main horde.

It's actually quite sad to see that the horde barely has any actual good players, who would also be willing to team up on said multiboxers to take them down.

Me and decoy/rekick have been to stormwind a couple times while multiboxing. Sometimes there's resistance, sometimes there's not. Like you said it's no fun when people aren't fighting, so we leave after a while.

We've been wiped a couple times too.

Multiboxing has never been a problem before, why should it be one now.

The people that are crying about it are either getting ganked by the players they've ganked in the past. Or are just unfortunate in which case i would agree with them all the way.

To be honest my opinion as a arena player and NOT world pvp or gurubashi player is that it shouldn’t be prohibited since on retail in MoP in s15 it wasn’t forbidden too , I mean ok you can say that pandawow has a lot less players but still , I play this server since 2013 and I even know the guild thrallmar and shit , but multiboxing was really not much of a problem , just turn your pvp status to off if you don’t want to be attacked. Just limit the amount of chars being multiboxed to 5 and then it’s pretty good because you can always find 5 people who want to go with you vs a multiboxer just for fun to try to fight them .
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