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Warsong Hold guards

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1. Warsong Hold guards vs Alliance players, Borean Tundra

2. Firstly, they shouldn't knock you around in the air. However, that isn't the main problem I have intended to address, but now (as of 5th May 2020), everytime a guard knocks you in the air, your mount flight is disabled). I should mention that the mount issue hasn't been an issue until now. I don't know what happened.

3. The Warsong Hold guards shouldn't knock you and, especially, disable your mount flight.

4. x100

5. 4/10 (I have a level 70 twink and I usually hang around there looking for people to confront me; there is a small twink community on this realm and Northrend PvP is pretty important for us)

Proof: https://streamable.com/q20kdy

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