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server xfun

player: Reaperx


Queing with few friends that on purpose throw games so he can get up on rating SOLOQUE , please ban this and please remove rating . He plays with few friends that on purpose throw game's so they an get up on rating and buy 2.2k enchants

U can check urself because i cant put u soloque match history on site is bugged please deal with this is started to be annoying this people get 2.2k by wintrading and then sell chars for real money .

any evidence by ur ip that u play on ACCOUNTS that are not even yours (9x chars to 2.2) for wat did u sell them ? bonuses ? dont make me laught steper if ut hink people are stupid then ur wrong everyone knows wat u doing and people that u did for said it aswell sadly ... idc u can continue doing it i hope u earn even more money take all of their money from the useless ape's that are 1.5k hardstuck ! I like you dude im just saying (no evidence) there's so many evidence be ur ip randomly coming on some random people's account lmao andu playing only arena's adn then after u hit 2.2k they just change pw RANDOMLY aswell.
im not trashtalkin dude i said i like you i thinnk ur a good player and a guy in general but we all know what is going on ur not the only one getting paid to boostt people's rating ... :)
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