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Snake Trap Haste Bug


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1. ALL spell cast speed reduction spells. Biggest ones including: https://wowwiki-archive.fandom.com/wiki/Snake_Trap https://db.pandawow.me/?spell=73975 and https://db.pandawow.me/?spell=5761 (Shiv effect = -100%)

2. Apparently all spell cast reduction abilities reduces the player's haste by the percentage completely. For example, snake trap is -30%, if a caster obtains this, his haste is SUBTRACTED by 30%, effecting ALL global spells and Global Cooldown SPEED, not just SPELL CAST spells.

3. It should reduce strictly a spell that is casted, if not, it should at least reduce the CORRECT percentages. It was not like this in the past.

4. 11/9/2021

5. Realm : Fun

6. 9/10


Proof : https://streamable.com/gr52z6



Proof in the past of how it SHOULD and USED to work, this was a 1v1 que arena season 9 on 5/25/2019 on Pwow Fun server (https://cp.pandawow.ru/en/armory/pvp.html?guid=6257260&realm=3&type=4&season=9), notice how only the SPELL CAST speed is reduced and not GCD HASTE speed for ALL instant cast spells: https://streamable.com/av59pe

  • Developers

Found a bug with snake trap. It should reduce casting speed by -10% against players (instead of -30%). Fixed, will be applied after update.


Hotfix (2014-01-14): Snake Trap now uses the same version of Mind-Numbing Poison debuff as Rogues; reducing the target's casting speed on player targets by 10% (down from 25%).

About global cooldown. There is two fields: UNIT_MOD_CAST_SPEED and UNIT_MOD_CAST_HASTE

UNIT_MOD_CAST_SPEED - affects spell cast speed, not displayed in character stats.

UNIT_MOD_CAST_HASTE - affects global cooldown, displayed in character stats.


Not sure, should these debuffs change the UNIT_MOD_CAST_SPEED only or both fields as it is right now. But if we find any retail videos, where we can see the character spell haste in stats after the debuff is applied and if something changes there, then it means both fields is affected and global cooldown should be affected too.

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