Administrators Buka Posted March 14, 2023 Administrators Posted March 14, 2023 Here you'll find a list of fixes that were made in February-March. Some of the fixes below take effect the moment they were implemented, while others may require scheduled realm restarts to go into effect. This list will be updated as additional fixes are applied. Changes: February 1 - March 13 General: Fixed a bug that caused all the charges of the series accumulated on the target to disappear if the player himself died. Daily honorable kills are now reset when daily quests are reset. Localization of the BG start announcement. Chinese, Spanish, Ukrainian and German languages have been added to the launcher. Fixed few reasons caused server to crash. Fixed saving the amount of Hit and Mastery when entering dungeons in challenge mode. The Gates between Kun-Lai Summit and the Vale of Eternal Blossoms are now closed by default. To open that Gates, you need to complete quest chain first, starts with Храм Белого Тигра Fixed getting effect Морской волк in Arena & Battlegrounds: Fixed several possible reasons why a player could not queue on the battleground. Strand of the Ancients - Fixed updating of the visual position of Destroyers when they are resurrected. Deepwind Gorge - Fixed a bug where already captured points could be visually captured again. Attempt to fix bug, due to which were imppossible to capture points in Deepwind Gorge. Instances & Raids: Siege of Orgrimmar: Increased damage for Воевода Крагг Sha of Pride: Players will no longer die immediately from banishments if they are only teleported into a room. Thok the Bloodthirsty: The Blood Frenzy phase will start 1 second later The first Оглушительный визг will be delayed by 500ms Malkorok: The Essence of Y'Shaarj now correctly removes the Древний барьер Fixed a bug that caused some effects, such as Дух Чи-Цзи, Наставления предков, Природная чуткость, Item - Shaman T16 Restoration 4P Bonus not to work from healing absorbed by the effect Древние миазмы. General Nazgrim: Ability Песнь войны can no longer be copied with Темный симулякр. Norushen: Fixed a bug that caused Слепая ненависть to ignore Очищенный Остаточная скверна cannot be attacked anymore Garrosh Hellscream: Fixed a bug that prevented hunters from being teleported to the I'sharaj realm during Сдерживание. After teleporting the warlocks to the I'sharaj realm, Демонические врата will cease to operate. Unstable Iron Star is now displayed in the combat log. The radius of an Unstable Iron Star that explodes on Garrosh has been increased. Надежда, Вера & Храбрость can no longer be activated by pets Paragons of the Klaxxi: Непроницаемый щит will no longer evade Инъекция вируса. Fixed Вращение Fixed a bug where the player's current position could be displayed incorrectly under the action of Очарование. Siegecrafter Blackfuse: Fixed an issue, due to which boss could start to cast another spell during cast Электростатический заряд. Fixed an issue, due to which aura Электростатический заряд did not apply on summoned creatures. Fallen Protectors: Хэ Легкая Нога - removes some poisons between phases in heroic mode. Iron Juggernaut: Бурильное сверло will no longer choose mdd players. Crawler Mines will now choose tanks last. Scarlet Monastery: fix Challenge mode. Proving Grounds: Fixed a bug that sometimes caused enemies to not disappear after failing a challenge. Classes and spells: Bonuses from the effects of reducing the duration of control, for example, the special gem Могучий изначальный алмаз and the racial ability Твердость are now multiplied, not added together. Fixed a bug that caused the camera direction to change when the character was moving under the disorientation effects. Warlock: Spell Обмен душ will now apply saved periodic effects with a slight delay. Fixed a bug that caused the combat log to display unnecessary messages about updating the Агония effect. Fixed a bug due to which spell Похищение жизни could not deal critical damage. Дикий бес will no longer lag behind the owner when following him. Also, Wild Imps will now have a different angle of following the owner, to not to get into one point. Fixed a bug due to which ability Приказание демону could not be used being under the some control effects, for example Смерч. Fixed a bug where spells Касание Хаоса and Волна Хаоса were not affected by effects that reduce the chance of a critical hit, for example Рев жертвенности or Символ окаменелой коры, as well as a decrease in the chance of a critical hit against bosses. Monk: Fixed a bug that caused the effect Дзен-медитация to be interrupted by some ranged abilities, for example Бросок, Бросок сюрикена. Fixed a bug where the passive ability Крайние меры sometimes did not reset the cooldown time of the spell Устранение вреда. Adjustment to the radius of the spheres from the passive ability Дар быка. Fixed a bug where the tick haste and duration of the spell Порыв нефритового ветра were affected by effects that increase the speed of energy recovery. Hunter: Fixed a bug where a pet could have magic resistance. Fixed a bug that caused the Камуфляж effect to terminate as soon as the hunter gave the pet the order to attack, and not after the damage was done by the pet. Fixed a bug that caused the animation and sound effect of racial ability Каждый за себя to be played when using Звериный гнев. Rogue: During the effect of talent Рыцарь плаща и кинжала, the abilities it affects can now be applied regardless of whether the target is in front of the rogue or not. Fixed a bug that caused talent Рыцарь плаща и кинжала to stop working after applying Исчезновение along with Танец теней. Paladin: Bonus set "Item - Paladin PvP Set Holy 4P Bonus" (Item - Paladin PvP Set Holy 4P Bonus) will now only work in the Light specialization. Mage: Fixed a bug due to which effect Огненная глыба! sometimes did not increase the damage of spell Огненная глыба if effect Величие разума was active at the same time. Fixed a possible reason why the effect of the symbol Символ глубокой заморозки sometimes did not remove the global cooldown of the spell Глубокая заморозка. Death Knight: Темный симулякр will no longer copy spells with a weapon enchantment effect, such as Оружие неистовства ветра. Shaman: Fixed a bug due to which the maximum duration of the spell Целительный ливень with talent Проводимость was 50 seconds, instead of 40 seconds. Items & Objects: Fixed a bug that cause Цзина-Кан, Доброта Чи-Цзи to trigger on battlegrounds in some cases. Fix phase for Небольшая кучка Fix recolor names of items from set Золотой сундук Света (Black Recolor) Fixed teleport using Телепортирующий кровавый камень Fixed a bug that caused some items to give 1 unit of characteristics more than indicated in the description. Corrections for object Ониксовое яйцо Fixed a bug due to which, visually in the description of items, their RPPM chance of triggering did not increase from the chance of a critical hit (if the item has a corresponding bonus to RPPM). NPC & Creatures: Increased amount of Тигровая муха. Corrections for Кор'кронский боевой шаман Corrections for Инженер Кулака Адского Крика & Генерал Назгрим Fix phase for Детеныш дикого багрового змея, Детеныш дикого нефритового змея, Детеныш дикого золотистого змея Corrections for Блестящая янтарная муха, Туманный ползун, Кроколиск-трясинник Ваш облачный змей now offer quests Corrections for Бездомная жительница Штормграда Corrections for Скиталец западных пустошей Corrections for Кроколиск-хладогрыз Corrections for Бездомный житель Штормграда Fix visibility for Лейтенант Горацио Лейн & Штормградский дознаватель Corrections for Переселенец, Скиталец западных пустошей, Часовой Сторожевого холма Corrections for Мелкий жулик Added quotes for Мелкий жулик Fixed the sequence of issuing quotes for npc Касым Шарим Added Лорам Многоног (near the Касым Шарим) Часовой Сторожевого холма & Бандит из стаи Речной Лапы / Громила из стаи Речной Лапы / Травник из стаи Речной Лапы will no longer kill each other. Visual corrections for Дровосек, Плотник из Западного Края, Заступник Лейк, Заступница Дени Added waypoints for Заступник Корелор Fixed phase for Говорящий с водой Гожай Fixed phase for У-Пэн Corrections for Раскольник Чернильной Жабры Fixed phase for Мертвый жрец Чернильной Жабры & Мертвый копейщик Чернильной Жабры Fixed gossip for Говорящий с водой Гожай, Мастер клинков Мэй, Торговец Ши, У-Пэн Added waypoints for Заступница Дорана Fixed the text in the dialog box when issuing quests at Лейтенант Горацио Лейн Increased amount of Приречный цзинь-юй & Грукин-громила Corrections for Вагонетка Increased amount of Садовая оса Quest: Fix Курсы по катанию: Змеиный Хребет Implemented scenario for quest Решительные меры Fixed a bug where when interacting with Канат для спуска during task Коснуться земли, the player could die. Медонос will now be hostile only during quest Сладкий как мед Гигантский просеивающий червь and Просеивающий червь will now be hostile only during quest Большая уборка Fixed the display of extra spells in the reward for quest Сладкий как мед Dread Wastes: Added ability to get daily quests zone using Kil'ruk the Wind-Reaver Fixed quest Уничтожение роя Removed prequest for Искусственный интеллект Fixed quest Показательное сожжение Fixed quest Роумбо просит меда Fixed quest undefined Fixed quest Конец цепочки Fixed phase during Это... Fixed quest Лови! Fixed stucking during quest Полет Облачного Змея Fixed the hostility of some mobs on a quest The Only Good Goblin... Corrections for Растут, как сорняки Fixed teleportation to Darnassus using Шеймус Золотые Башмаки during Дарнас в осаде? Fixed quest Выследить воров Fixed phase in Dalaran (5.1) for Alliance. Fixed event during Решение Джайны Fixed quest Что должно быть сделано Fixed teleport to Dalaran using Шеймус Золотые Башмаки during storyline "The Purge of Dalaran". Corrections for quest Накормить голодных и отчаявшихся Fixed objects phase for quest Позор мне Fixed event for quest Живи и радуйся Fixed quest Тайны башни Fixed quest Тайны башни Fixed quest Ритуал крови Fixed quest Завершающий ритуал Fixed scene and phase during Очевидец истории Corrections for quest Отец и сын: снова вместе Fixed quest Ритуал Fixed quest Очищение болота Removed prequests for Посох говорящего с водой, Ярость и возмездие, Освобождение узников Fixed quest Полезный оникс Quest Затерянное во времени сокровище will now be repeatable. Fixed quest Похоронные клинки Fixed quest Фюзель, йо-хо-хо! Fixed quest Fixed a bug where after dying in The Gallywix Labor Mine on the Lost Islands, the player could fall into textures. 1
Administrators Buka Posted March 20, 2023 Author Administrators Posted March 20, 2023 March 13 - March 20 General: Fixed the display of scenes on Isle of Thunder Fixed gender choosing for some achievements. Instances & Raids: Siege of Orgrimmar: Fallen Protectors: Fixed a bug due to which Знак страданий did not apply a root effect on a warrior under the effect Вихрь клинков. "Iron Juggernaut": Бурильное сверло will now choose tanks last. Thok the Bloodthirsty: Corrections for triggering Чавканье. Paragons of the Klaxxi: Скир Кровожадный Corrections for timer of Кровопускание. Хисек Хранитель Роя Corrections for timer of Быстрая стрельба Classes and spells: The haste of periodic mana consumption for spells, for example Гибельная хватка, is now affected by the spell haste. Fixed a bug that caused the character to sometimes target a dead player. Hunter: Fixed the spell's Ярость рыси range. Priest: The "Item - Priest T16 Healer 4P Set Bonus" (Item - Priest T16 Healer 4P Bonus) now increases the amount of health recovered from the spell Слово Света: Святилище by 75%, instead of 33%. Mage: Spell Путешествие во времени will no longer interact with effects Сила титанов and Дар титанов. Items & Objects: Corrections to Pandaria Deposits in Jade Forest. Corrections to Pandaria Deposits in Vale of Eternal Blossoms. Corrections to Pandaria Deposits in Kun-Lai Summit. Corrections to Pandaria Deposits in Valley of the Four Winds. Fixed loot in Pandaria Deposits. Corrected drop chance for quest items in the Ironforge pond. Fixed drop from Сума блестяшек NPC & Creatures: Corrections for Сирота Corrections and waypoints for Кремовый скворец Fixed abilities for Перегруженный уборочный голем Fix disappear of Инзи Чаросвет on Isle of Thunder Added wapoints for Заступник Вивер Added wapoints for Заступник Датфилд Corrections for Лиходей Луноречья Duplicates of Spirit Healers in the Westfall have been removed. Removed duplicates Освобожденный циклон Quests: Fixed event after Похлебка Западного края Corrections for quest Он живой! Fixed event during Надежда народа Fixed event after На защите Западного края Fixed quest Заря нового дня Fix bugging Измученный птеродактиль Fixed quest Видения прошлого Fixed ability to accept quest Сбор доказательств Added creatures for the phase after Возвращение на Сторожевой холм Fixed quest Восстание Братства Added phase after Возвращение на Сторожевой холм Corrections for pre-quests for Найти агента Кеарнен Corrections for pre-quests for Встреча с Переобутым Лу Achievements: Fixed achievement Ихгалук глазами Гнилого Клинка - every phase took 1 week
Administrators Buka Posted March 27, 2023 Author Administrators Posted March 27, 2023 Here you'll find a list of fixes that were made in February-March. Some of the fixes below take effect the moment they were implemented, while others may require scheduled realm restarts to go into effect. This list will be updated as additional fixes are applied. Changes: March 20 - March 27 General: Fixed few reasons caused the server to crash Instances & Raids: Siege of Orgrimmar: Fallen Protectors: Fixed a bug where could use abilities during his Desperate Measures phase. Added immunity to damage from bosses during the phases of Desperate Measures. The ability will now choose tanks last. Fixed quotes for bosses at the beginning of the Desperate Measures phase. Malkorok: An attempt to exclude cases where could appear under players who are targets of the ability Paragons of Klaxxi: When turning into a scorpion using, the auto attack will now be interrupted. Scenario: Brew Storm: An attempt to fix the bug that caused not to start moving after the start of the 2nd stage. Classes and spells: General: Fixed the display of cooldown time for triggering some spells, for example Hunter: will now attack the opponent in the back, not allowing you to parry or dodge the attacks of the ability. Fixed a bug that caused the hunter's pet to become visible when reusing with the symbol Death Knight: Fixed a bug due to which the spell could not take into account the absorbed damage received when calculating healing. Items & Objects: Fixed phase for Fixed phase for NPC & Creatures: Corrections for Corrections and cosmetic changes for Fixed phase for,, Fixed after Fixed gossips for,, Fixed phase for Fix display of Fixed many creature_spell_scaling_by_lvl attributes on the Isle of Thunder and Timeless Isle Fixed frequency of use for Fixed loot table for Corrections for phase for Quests Disabled quests, given by & Corrections for quest Corrections for quest Corrections for quest Quests and can no longer be done simultaneously. Fixed phase at Winter's Blossom and the Shado-Li Valley in Kun-Lai Summit. Fixed quest Corrections for quest Fixed a scene when accepting a quest Corrections for quest Corrections for quest Fixed during Isle of Thunder Fixed the phase separation for bases and quests issued daily. Also fixed the display on the map of the place where the quest takes place and the questgiver is located, depending on the phase. Stormsea Landing: fixed phase separation, added waypoints to creatures. The phases alternate every other day. Valor Points on Isle of Thunder no longer have cd on loot
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