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Heirloom Shoulder enchant bugged


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In wow all heirlooms are account bound and you can enchant them and always mail to your character on the same account and server. 

as far as i know you also are able to enchant any kind of heirloom and sell it to a alt, the enchant will scale due to level differences. 


However i found out you're able to enchant pretty much any heirloom BESIDE the SHOULDER ones, all of them are unable to be mailed to a alt if you've used a Shoulder enchant on it, For example "Greater Tiger Fang Incription". Whenever these are enchanted you cannot mail this heirloom to your excisting alt. 



Therefor a screenshot what it looks like to not mail the item;



Please fix this and maybe i can get all my heirloom shoulders back? ❤️ 




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