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Horde Quest The Captain's Logs Buggy can't pick up logs


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Posted (edited)

This bug is occuring on the Pandawow MOP 5x server



"Use the Reprogrammed Shredder to collect 6 piles of Azshara Lumber.

If you lose your shredder, another can be attacked and reprogrammed."


So the quest is called: The Captain's Logs
This is a Horde quest in Azshara.


The quest starts and ends at the NPC Labor Captain  Grabbit

at approximately 27,77 in Azshara..


where you are supposed to use the reprogrammed Shredder to be able to collect

the logs.   So you attack the shredder it gets down to a low health it runs away you

click on the shredder reprogram it and then you get into the shredder. That is all
great I am in the shredder I hit 1 which is supposed to be used to collect the logs

but it says invalid target.


I can't target the logs either it won't let me  you can't collect the logs.


And no standing on the logs or at the side did not work either I tried both

of those as I read the comments on Wowhead first.


Getting the shredder and reprogramming it and getting into the shredder
is easy it is getting the logs that are not working.  You can't hit 1 and pick up

the logs like you are supposed to.  It just says invalid target I can't target the logs

to tell it that is what I want to pick up the logs are sparkling like they are part of the

quest but it is not working you can't target the logs and actually pick them up.


You can't target the logs I have even tried standing on top of the log piles

and then try collecting them and that didn't work either.


Even with NO addons this quest is screweing up the quest is buggy.


I am doing this quest with my level 18 Discipline Priest.


As I said even with absolutely NO addons enabled this quest does not work. This

quest is broken please look into it and fix it.


Screenshots are attached and also can  be seen at the links bellow




This quest is just maddening!  It is driving me crazy!  Can you please fix this?





Jamie (she / her)




The Captain's Log SS #1 Map.png

The Captain's Log SS #2 Invalid Target.png

The Captain's Log SS #3 Invalid Target Standing on logs.png

Edited by darkshad9999
added info

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