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% мастерства при 0 гемах 0 перековах и 0 шмоток (багоюз)

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Posted (edited)



2.Кубинецдва https://cp.pandawow.me/armory/char-10-6055.html

3.У человека 12% мастерства при этом не имеет ни одной шмотки , сокета и перековку в мастерство

4.https://dropmefiles.com/ioLDX тут скриншоты его всех вещей с сокетами и перековками и видно что он имеет 12% мастерства 

5.тут у него я спросил как он так сделал, видно что уходит от разговора а потом и во все вышел с игры 

P.s он сейчас в ЛК изменил свои вещи, перековка сокеты и т.д. но в файлообемники скриншоты всех его вещей




Edited by twistwoskiy
оформил по правилам


stop crying, it's incredible that you open a post to report a player for knowing how to play

He is not the only shaman who does dps... apparently you are after him because of other quarrels... stop bothering the administration for nonsense please...

59 minutes ago, twistwoskiy said:

У человека 0 гемов, 0 шмоток, 0 перековки и при этом он имеет 12-15% мастери 


95,07 же мастери, не? Кто-то просто не умеет нажимать кнопочки на своем шамане и играет только с одним набором талантов, полагаясь только на бурст.  Абилочки элементаля держит на автокасте и так далее. Вместо того чтобы задуматься над своей игрой, некто пытается забанить меня, используя недоработки сервера, в частности, проблемы с отображением характеристик в армори. В прошлый раз говорили, что у меня много хасты, когда я вышел из игры под бафом на ВО,  теперь не нравится моя экспертиза...   




Don't give explanations... the administration is not going to ban you because a player is jealous and invents stupid things... the Staff runs into people like that every day...



Опять бедные 768ммр пвпшеры заныли, эх времена, ноют на нн шомэнав, негрофиллера(president ONR) на вас не хватает

  • pepohype 1
  • twistwoskiy changed the title to % мастерства при 0 гемах 0 перековах и 0 шмоток (багоюз)
8 часов назад, arkashka сказал:

95,07 же мастери, не? Кто-то просто не умеет нажимать кнопочки на своем шамане и играет только с одним набором талантов, полагаясь только на бурст.  Абилочки элементаля держит на автокасте и так далее. Вместо того чтобы задуматься над своей игрой, некто пытается забанить меня, используя недоработки сервера, в частности, проблемы с отображением характеристик в армори. В прошлый раз говорили, что у меня много хасты, когда я вышел из игры под бафом на ВО,  теперь не нравится моя экспертиза...   


не говори глупости, если ты не был виноват ты бы оставил все как есть. а теперь ты побежал в игру чтобы изменить свои вещи)))

Posted (edited)


stop insisting please..


With my priest I can have 320% speed for 2 minutes. Legally

and I'm not going to say where it is obtained... and it is totally legal... (although it can only be used in that area)

And if you go to my dashboard and take a screenshot... and report me for not understanding ANYTHING


the same case if you are a Warlock 8/8 + Chiji 25% critical, mastery and haste on the eternal island

Let's see if you reach 300% mastery


Stop trying to bother a player who hasn't done anything illegal.


I hope that the administration puts measures in place for players with false complaints and that they have a penalty.

The screenshots do not prove ANYTHING... you do not have any conclusive evidence to prove that this player is doing something wrong..


If you have evidence, video, screenshots... then I invite you to attach it right here... and I will agree with you...


otherwise stop crying and solve your problems with this player outside the forum... 

1vs 1 for example..


Edited by Exclusively
Posted (edited)
12 минут назад, Exclusively сказал:


stop insisting please..


With my priest I can have 320% speed for 2 minutes. Legally

and I'm not going to say where it is obtained... and it is totally legal... (although it can only be used in that area)

And if you go to my dashboard and take a screenshot... and report me for not understanding ANYTHING


the same case if you are a Warlock 8/8 + Chiji 25% critical, mastery and haste on the eternal island

Let's see if you reach 300% mastery


Stop trying to bother a player who hasn't done anything illegal.


I hope that the administration puts measures in place for players with false complaints and that they have a penalty.

The screenshots do not prove ANYTHING... you do not have any conclusive evidence to prove that this player is doing something wrong..


If you have evidence, video, screenshots... then I invite you to attach it right here... and I will agree with you...


otherwise stop crying and solve your problems with this player outside the forum... 

1vs 1 for example..



here is the link, look at the screenshots! https://dropmefiles.com/ioLDX

if he didn’t violate anything, why did he immediately change the sockets and things? So he's hiding something!

and please stop writing to me, I’ll wait for the Administrator’s response

Edited by twistwoskiy
оформил по правилам
Posted (edited)

These screenshots don't tell me anything... and they don't prove anything, and everyone knows that you can't trust the website because it's not instantaneous.

and you cannot demonstrate, for example... the exact moment


This could be accepted if you are in a gang with this player, and at the same time you enter his panel and show that the statistics do not match

For example... he is attacking a boss without having any mastery on his clothes.

You enter their panel and see that % of mastery that you say

then we must debate and investigate... if this is a visual error. or a bug where it benefits the shaman

and must be repaired

But you also have to be aware that many players play their classes without knowing that they are broken. and others who are aware of it and abuse it


Edited by Exclusively
2 минуты назад, Exclusively сказал:

These screenshots don't tell me anything... and they don't prove anything, and everyone knows that you can't trust the website because it's not instantaneous.

and you cannot demonstrate, for example... the exact moment


This could be accepted if you are in a gang with this player, and at the same time you enter his panel and show that the statistics do not match

For example... he is attacking a boss without having any mastery on his clothes.

You enter their panel and see that % of mastery that you say

then we must debate and investigate... if this is a visual error. or a bug where it benefits the shaman

and must be repaired


I can take a screenshot of my shaman on the website and in the game. Interesting, but it matches exactly 100%


So if what you say is true and you have a shaman... do you have to accept that you also do the same thing? and you don't report this problem and instead, you report it to another player


because all the shamans on the server do the same damage as this player

There are even shamans with item level 560 who do triple the dps of a 588 player.

Posted (edited)
4 минуты назад, Exclusively сказал:

So if what you say is true and you have a shaman... do you have to accept that you also do the same thing? and you don't report this problem and instead, you report it to another player


because all the shamans on the server do the same damage as this player

There are even shamans with item level 560 who do triple the dps of a 588 player.

I'm telling you that it will be the same both in the game and on the website

and you say that the site cannot be trusted

Edited by twistwoskiy
оформил по правилам
Posted (edited)



in English your character you have 104% Mastery


and in Spanish it shows that you have Expertise 104%




all the Shamans are BROKEN... and I'm not complaining... because it's not a competition to be TOP 1... in DPS... that's what Affli witches are for, they exceed 4 million constant dps in aoe

Edited by Exclusively
Posted (edited)
6 минут назад, Exclusively сказал:



in English your character you have 104% Mastery


and in Spanish it shows that you have Expertise 104%



look at the wrong line. Expertise no gem no item and reforg . 

Edited by twistwoskiy

То есть, я должен показывать весь свой гир и объяснять, как играть за свой класс, каждому по первому требованию? Это не моя вина, что ты не догадался посмотреть, какой гир у меня в сумках или банке. В игре запрещено переодеваться, менять таланты или иметь несколько комплектов вещей?

Либо почитай гайдики на свой класс, либо сделай перерыв: встань из-за компьютера, умойся, проветрись и попробуй подумать еще раз

P.S. Это моя вина, что армори не отображает характеристики в реальном времени и не учитывает бафы и прочее?))

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