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Pets not affected by Stormlash totem


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Fire Elemental and Feral Spirit Not Affected by Stormlash Totem

Priority : 10

Realm : Fun


-Category: Gameplay Mechanics
-Class/Spec: Enhancement Shaman / Elemental Shaman
-Patch Version: 5.4.8


Stormlash Totemimage.png.3fb53970137d9899803ff2d31d2e7187.png image.png.9ebd79951caa9095411532acb62f7d65.png

Stormlash Totemimage.png.3fb53970137d9899803ff2d31d2e7187.png It is not applying to the attacks of summoned pets, specifically Fire Elementalimage.png.42a5e816767b0236c05342e81c2165dc.png and Feral Spirit image.png.12b3f1b7e8101dc508d5f317485d98b1.png. According to the tooltip and historical patch information, the totem should enhance all party/raid members’ attacks, including those of player pets. However, the Fire Elemental's melee attacks and Fire Nova, as well as the Feral Spirits' melee attacks and Spirit Bite, do not seem to trigger any Stormlash procs in the combat log.


Steps to Reproduce:

Summon image.png.42a5e816767b0236c05342e81c2165dc.png orimage.png.12b3f1b7e8101dc508d5f317485d98b1.png.

Place image.png.3fb53970137d9899803ff2d31d2e7187.png and engage a target dummy or any enemy.

Monitor the combat log for Stormlash procs coming from Fire Elemental or Feral Spirit attacks.

Note that no procs are generated from these pets’ attacks.


Expected Behavior:

Fire Elemental and Feral Spirit attacks should trigger Stormlash Totem’s proc, contributing to additional Nature damage.

This behavior is consistent with other abilities and pets being affected by Stormlash.


Actual Behavior:

Fire Elemental and Feral Spirit do not trigger Stormlash procs during their attacks, resulting in reduced synergy between pets and Stormlash Totem.



-No Stormlash proc entries in the combat log from Fire Elemental or Feral Spirits while the totem is active.

Testing shows that the player's direct attacks trigger procs normally, but pet attacks are ignored.







Additional Notes:

Stormlash Totem should enhance the damage of all party/raid members, including pets, as stated in the tooltip and confirmed in past documentation.

This bug negatively impacts Enhancement and Elemental Shaman performance in PvE and PvP, as these pets are integral to maximizing damage.

Please investigate and address this issue to ensure that summoned pets correctly benefit from Stormlash Totem, as intended.


Why Does It Work?

Stormlash Totem grants a buff that affects all eligible damage-dealing sources in the group, including your pets (Fire Elemental and Feral Spirits). Since the Fire Elemental is treated as part of your character's damage output, its attacks qualify for the Stormlash bonus.

The Fire Elementalimage.png.42a5e816767b0236c05342e81c2165dc.png is affected by Stormlash Totemimage.png.3fb53970137d9899803ff2d31d2e7187.png in patch 5.4.8 (Mists of Pandaria).


Here's how the interaction works:

Stormlash Totemimage.png.ec0d4612e5e720ebd0ae28f4ce7d5f26.png provides an extra Nature damage proc on attacks for all party and raid members, including pets like image.png.42a5e816767b0236c05342e81c2165dc.png &  image.png.12b3f1b7e8101dc508d5f317485d98b1.png.

The Fire Elemental’simage.png.42a5e816767b0236c05342e81c2165dc.png melee attacks and Fire Nova have a chance to trigger the Stormlash proc while the totem is active.

Since the Fire Elemental image.png.42a5e816767b0236c05342e81c2165dc.png scales with your stats at the time of summoning, using Stormlash Totemimage.png.3fb53970137d9899803ff2d31d2e7187.png alongside other cooldowns (like Ascendance) before summoning can significantly boost its overall contribution.






-The interaction between Stormlash Totem and the Fire Elemental in patch 5.4.8 (Mists of Pandaria) has been confirmed by player testing and community resources at the time. Here are some reliable sources for this information:


Look up the Stormlash Totem and Fire Elemental Totem spell mechanics on WoWHead (specific to patch 5.4.8). Many comments from that time explain how Stormlash affects pets, including Fire Elemental.

Example: Stormlash Totem on WoWHead.

Elitist Jerks:

This theorycrafting forum had detailed discussions during MoP, covering all aspects of Shaman mechanics, including how Stormlash Totem applies to pets. The Fire Elemental benefits because it's considered part of the Shaman's damage.

Archive link: Elitist Jerks - Shaman Forums.

Icy Veins - Shaman Guide (Mists of Pandaria):

Icy Veins’ MoP guides often included details about how to optimize cooldowns, including Stormlash Totem and its interaction with Fire Elemental Totem.

Guide link: Icy Veins.

SimulationCraft (MoP-era builds):

The community ran simulations during MoP that showed how buffs like Stormlash Totem contributed to Fire Elemental damage output. While not directly accessible now, many discussions referenced SimCraft results.


Edited by Kogamoon

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