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[Низина Шолазар] Проектирование аварии - нет локализации текстов нпц

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  1. https://db.pandawow.me/?quest=12688
  2. Фразы https://db.pandawow.me/?npc=28787 не локализованы:
    Инженер Хелис кричит: We made it! Thank you for getting me out of that hell hole. Tell Hemet to expect me! 
    Инженер Хелис кричит: You really shouldn't play with this stuff. Someone could get hurt.
    Инженер Хелис кричит: Oh, look, it's another cartload of explosives! Let's help them dispose of it. 
    Инженер Хелис кричит: It's getting a little hot over here. Shall we move on? 
    Инженер Хелис кричит: Or THIS is what you get. 
    Инженер Хелис кричит: Listen up, Venture Company goons! Rule #1: Never keep the prisoner near the explosives.
    Инженер Хелис кричит: Let's get the hell out of here
  3. х100


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