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Tessuya insane bug abuse of very low level trinket mechanic

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Posted (edited)

1. Tessuya & Milkshake

2. xfun

3. uses https://db.pandawow.me/?spell=115310 +https://www.wowhead.com/item=18639/ultra-flash-shadow-reflector , Using Revival + this low level trinket reflects all the damage that dispelling all the https://db.pandawow.me/?spell=131736 warlocks have active cause, which instant kills any affliction warlock in the batteground that has used more than 4 Unstable afflictions, when using Revival+that trinket each UA dispelled returns between 160 and 220k back to the warlock which results in a insta kill of the warlock, all because of a very low level trinket from a very old expansion that isnt supposed to work on lvl 60+ players and we are lvl 90 players, ban this bug abuser ty, and thats not the only monk abusing this shit, Milkshake is another monk that i caught using it but i didnt screenshot him with the item, i will if i can, these retard bug abusers deserve ban for this shit

link to the item https://www.wowhead.com/item=18639/ultra-flash-shadow-reflector

Captura de pantalla 2025-03-10 a las 23.42.32.png

Captura de pantalla 2025-03-10 a las 23.32.30.png

Captura de pantalla 2025-03-11 a las 0.02.55.png

Captura de pantalla 2025-03-11 a las 0.13.45.png

Captura de pantalla 2025-03-11 a las 0.11.42.png

Captura de pantalla 2025-03-11 a las 9.45.30.png

Edited by warlockenjoyer
  • No 1

Well, first of all, I can send you a screenshot myself showing that I’m playing with this trinket.


Second, what makes you think this is a bug? The tooltip clearly states that it reflects all Arcane magic spells.


Third, the tooltip also mentions that players above level 49 HAVE A CHANCE to resist it. For those who are bald and clueless, let me explain: it can reflect, not always, of course, since it may not trigger, but that doesn’t change the core mechanic.


Fourth, I assume you know how Mass Dispel works for Monks—all damage from Unstable Affliction is transferred to the Monk. But when using this trinket, it reflects back to the Warlock.


Fifth, I understand your whining. You want to dominate in BGs by spamming Seed of Corruption and dealing absurd damage to the whole group. But every ability has its counter.


Sixth, stop whining, please. This trinket is part of the game’s mechanics. If you haven’t played classic Warcraft, don’t go claiming that certain items are bugged.


Seventh, if a Warrior casts Mass Spell Reflection and you also use revival, and it one-shots you—is that a bug too? Or if a socket in your helmet with 1% reflection procs—is that a bug as well?


P.S.: Stop whining all the time—first it’s too many healers in BGs, now you’re getting one-shot by Dispel + Reflection. Just learn to play

and be good.


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Posted (edited)
23 minutes ago, Maximtawer said:

Well, first of all, I can send you a screenshot myself showing that I’m playing with this trinket.


Second, what makes you think this is a bug? The tooltip clearly states that it reflects all Arcane magic spells.


Third, the tooltip also mentions that players above level 49 HAVE A CHANCE to resist it. For those who are bald and clueless, let me explain: it can reflect, not always, of course, since it may not trigger, but that doesn’t change the core mechanic.


Fourth, I assume you know how Mass Dispel works for Monks—all damage from Unstable Affliction is transferred to the Monk. But when using this trinket, it reflects back to the Warlock.


Fifth, I understand your whining. You want to dominate in BGs by spamming Seed of Corruption and dealing absurd damage to the whole group. But every ability has its counter.


Sixth, stop whining, please. This trinket is part of the game’s mechanics. If you haven’t played classic Warcraft, don’t go claiming that certain items are bugged.


Seventh, if a Warrior casts Mass Spell Reflection and you also use revival, and it one-shots you—is that a bug too? Or if a socket in your helmet with 1% reflection procs—is that a bug as well?


P.S.: Stop whining all the time—first it’s too many healers in BGs, now you’re getting one-shot by Dispel + Reflection. Just learn to play

and be good.


cry more, u arent supposed to be using low level items with weird mechanics and many times those items are bugged and perfectly functional vs high level players which is the case here, all admins have to do is test it themselves 100 times and see how many of those 100 times it works, if it works more than 1 out of 100 times that will mean the item is bugged and so u are abusing a bug, very simple, l2p

u are using a low level item that u arent supposed to be using because its supposed to not work at all on lvl90 players


Edited by warlockenjoyer
6 минут назад, warlockenjoyer сказал:

cry more, u arent supposed to be using low level items with weird mechanics and many times those items are bugged and perfectly functional vs high level players which is the case here, all admins have to do is test it themselves 100 times and see how many of those 1000 times it works, if it works more than 1 out of 100 times that will mean the item is bugged and so u are abusing a bug, very simple, l2p

u are using a low level item that u arent supposed to be using because its supposed to not work at all on lvl90 players


Well, where did you get the information that it’s not supposed to work on level 90 players? Where did you read that? From a WoWHead user who isn’t even an official representative? Stop crying all the time, you’re not going to dominate BGs as an Affliction Warlock, remember that. There are no victories without losses. Stop whining over nothing, weakling.

1 минуту назад, warlockenjoyer сказал:

cry, it didnt work in 2009 on 3.0.3 patch and u are saying it should work in 5.4.8 patch, lmfao clown



Alright, WowPedia, which is the reference here, doesn’t mention any fixes regarding reflection against players above level 60


u are using a fucking item from 1.11.0 expansion and the description itself says it shouldnt work past lvl 60 and even the guys who used it at the time and tested it said it wasnt working anymore in newer expansions, please stfu and get banned for bug abusing, that item isnt supposed to work in our expansion and u are abusing that bug

5 минут назад, warlockenjoyer сказал:

u are using a fucking item from 1.11.0 expansion and the description itself says it shouldnt work past lvl 60 and even the guys who used it at the time and tested it said it wasnt working anymore in newer expansions, please stfu and get banned for bug abusing, that item isnt supposed to work in our expansion and u are abusing that bug

I don't see any text in the trinket tooltip stating that it shouldn't work. The comments are from patch 3.0. There's also a comment from patch 5.1 where a player suggests three other reflectors, which means it was still working. Makes sense, right?



Posted (edited)
7 hours ago, warlockenjoyer said:

if it works more than 1 out of 100 times that will mean the item is bugged, very simple

not that simple but it's clear that our server is missing all calculations behind mechanic 'unreliable against targets higher than %level' / 'chance to be resisted when used by players over %level'

Topic: question about item By warlockenjoyer @February 23, 2023 in section General Discussion commented by Ink_Forever @February 24, 2023 #1

Topic: question about item By warlockenjoyer @February 23, 2023 in section General Discussion commented by Ink_Forever @February 24, 2023 #2

Edited by Ink_Forever
30 minutes ago, Bestwo said:

как же бружо ноет что ему не дают семки абузить

the seeds work as intended, in retail it was the same u clown

38 minutes ago, Ink_Forever said:

not that simple but it's clear that our server is missing all calculations behind mechanic 'unreliable against targets higher than %level' / 'chance to be resisted when used by players over %level'

Topic: question about item By warlockenjoyer @February 23, 2023 in section General Discussion commented by Ink_Forever @February 24, 2023 #1

Topic: question about item By warlockenjoyer @February 23, 2023 in section General Discussion commented by Ink_Forever @February 24, 2023 #2

exactly, so the item is bugged currently and these monks abusing that bug, so deserve a ban as per pandawow rules

Posted (edited)

I don't understand why are they defending this, for what other reason would they be using this old trinket? blatant exploit.

Edited by mechaniix
Posted (edited)

a lvl 60 trinket form 1.1 expansion that is able to instant kill several warlocks at once with 1 Revival use is a blatant bug abuse..

Edited by warlockenjoyer
1 час назад, Ink_Forever сказал:

not that simple but it's clear that our server is missing all calculations behind mechanic 'unreliable against targets higher than %level' / 'chance to be resisted when used by players over %level'

Topic: question about item By warlockenjoyer @February 23, 2023 in section General Discussion commented by Ink_Forever @February 24, 2023 #1

Topic: question about item By warlockenjoyer @February 23, 2023 in section General Discussion commented by Ink_Forever @February 24, 2023 #2

Well, judging by the forum topics, in earlier patches there were resistance stats for different types of magic. But no matter what, while playing in Pandaria, I never saw a magic spell fully resisted like it was in the older patches. Is it possible that magic resistance was simply removed starting from Cataclysm? (Based on old stats like spell penetration, armor penetration rating, etc.?)

Starting from Cataclysm, Blizzard significantly reworked the resistance mechanics. In PvE, magic resistance was essentially removed, and in PvP, a simplified system was introduced where it no longer affected the chance of fully resisting a spell.

As a result, starting from Cataclysm, the mechanic of full spell resists disappeared. Spells now always hit unless the target has immunity or special mechanics (such as Cloak of Shadows for rogues). This aligns with the overall trend of simplifying stats, which also led to the removal of things like armor penetration rating.

By the time of Pandaria, magic resistance no longer functioned the way it did in Classic, BC, and WotLK.
It might sound absurd since we're talking about character stats rather than item stats, but if the tooltip states that there is a chance to resist, while this stat was removed after the WotLK patch, then what does that mean?

9 минут назад, warlockenjoyer сказал:

a lvl 60 trinket form 1.1 expansion that is able to instant kill several warlocks at once with 1 Revival use is a blatant bug abuse..

I lose 4k intellect, lose 3% PvP resilience, and take significantly more damage, but at least I can use Revival without taking damage from UA.

  • Yes 1
Posted (edited)
11 minutes ago, Maximtawer said:

I lose 4k intellect, lose 3% PvP resilience, and take significantly more damage, but at least I can use Revival without taking damage from UA.

a lvl 60 trinket form 1.1 expansion that is able to instant kill several warlocks at once with 1 Revival use is a blatant bug abuse, that trinket isnt supposed to work past lvl 60 yet its clearly working on pandawow so its bugged and u are taking advantage of that bug to instant kill several enemy players at once as healer, i dont even comprehend how are u trying to justify this shit lmao

and u arent even losing stats, u just equip it, use it, then equip back the pvp prideful trinket and once 5 min passed u equip it again u fcking worm

Captura de pantalla 2025-03-11 a las 9.45.30.png

Edited by warlockenjoyer
1 минуту назад, warlockenjoyer сказал:

безделушка 60-го уровня из дополнения 1.1, которая способна мгновенно убить нескольких чернокнижников за раз одним применением Возрождения, является вопиющим злоупотреблением багом. Эта безделушка не должна работать после 60-го уровня, но она явно работает на Pandawow, так что она забагована, и вы пользуетесь этим багом, чтобы мгновенно убить нескольких вражеских игроков за раз, будучи целителем. Я даже не понимаю, как вы пытаетесь оправдать это дерьмо, лол.

I'm not justifying anything - let the progenitor of all Pandawow (GM/developer) step in and provide the most accurate answer to this. I'm simply discussing the topic; you consider it a bug, while I see it as an interesting mechanic. Many old items remain useful to this day. Unfortunately, when this item was created, no one was thinking 10 years ahead, considering that monks would have a mass dispel, which, in combination with this item, would work very efficiently. I’ll repeat once again: resistance mechanics and spell penetration were irrelevant for the Pandaria patch and beyond.

Posted (edited)
12 минут назад, warlockenjoyer сказал:

и ты даже не теряешь характеристики, ты просто экипировал ее, использовал, затем экипировал обратно гордую безделушку для PvP и через 5 минут экипировал ее снова, ты гребаный червь


Yeah, especially since I can equip this item in combat and swap it, considering how combat drops for monks - you can stay in combat for 10 seconds doing absolutely nothing, just because your HoT is on a teammate who's hitting some clueless player (aka you))
Moreover, this trinket is only useful once every 5 minutes, which doesn’t make it that overpowered. It would be a different story if its cooldown was around 30 seconds. But even with this item, I still struggle against Affliction Warlocks in battlegrounds.

Edited by Maximtawer
Posted (edited)
15 minutes ago, Maximtawer said:

Moreover, this trinket is only useful once every 5 minutes, which doesn’t make it that overpowered

u are abusing a bugged low level item that literally can kill several enemy warlocks at once with its synergy with Revival, as healer, which decides the entire fight since usually they are the top damage dealers in bg, it 100% decides if the first big fight of a bg is won or lost, u dont lose any stats because u can change trinkets inside of bg and u can get out of combat in between fights, u are not supposed to be able to oneshot enemy players with a lvl60 item from 1.1 expansion as a healer dude i dont even know why are u trying to defend yourself with such shit arguments, it doesnt matter the cooldown of the item, the item is bugged and u are abusing that bug to completely change the outcome if important fights in bg by doing something u shouldn't be able to do in this expansion

Edited by warlockenjoyer
4 минуты назад, warlockenjoyer сказал:

Ты злоупотребляешь забагованным предметом низкого уровня, который буквально может убить нескольких вражеских чернокнижников одновременно с помощью синергии с Возрождением, как целитель, которая решает весь бой, так как обычно они являются главными дилерами урона в BG, он на 100% решает, будет ли выигран или проигран первый большой бой BG, ты не теряешь никаких характеристик, потому что можешь менять безделушки внутри BG и можешь выходить из боя между боями, ты не должен иметь возможности убивать вражеских игроков одним ударом с помощью предмета 60-го уровня из дополнения 1.1 как целитель, чувак, я даже не знаю, зачем ты пытаешься защитить себя такими дерьмовыми аргументами, неважно, сколько времени восстанавливается предмет, предмет забагован, и ты злоупотребляешь этим багом, чтобы полностью изменить исход важных боев в BG, делая то, что ты не должен делать в этом дополнении.

I don’t see the point in arguing with a stubborn player who doesn’t understand the mechanics. Let’s wait for a response from the game masters or developers.

Posted (edited)

By the way, I also checked other reflectors, and they work the same way as the one mentioned in the topic. So, is it a bug or a meta?image.thumb.png.4e102c12909d78a7552c8347d72d37b2.png

Edited by Maximtawer
  • Heart 1
Posted (edited)

Elcrypujo , Какой ты там важный первый бой собрался выигрывать ? 😂
ты когда последний раз на победу играл ? Тебя уже фармят все  кому не лень дядя , включая хилов .  Ты только с бг ливаешь , когда тебя в таргет берут😂😂Так что лучше не позорься , хотя куда уже больше 😂

Edited by Unborn
  • Jegerm locked this topic
  • Game Masters

According to the provided evidences, you are reporting players for equipping a trinket. I will talk with developers and if they think that they should make a change to that item, they will.



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  • Developers

Made a change to the item: Players above 60 level won't able to use it.

Will be applied after restart.

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